Help Center/ KooGallery/ User Guide/ Service Supervision/ Supervising License Products
Updated on 2024-12-03 GMT+08:00

Supervising License Products

After purchasing a license, view the delivery progress of the license and accept the license on the My KooGallery > Service Supervision page. If the seller has not updated the service supervision process, send a reminder to the seller.

If the service supervision process of an order is not complete, the order is in the Processing state. The order status will change to Completed 3 hours after you confirm to accept the product.

Overall Process

You can perform the following operations:
  1. After purchasing a license, view the service flow status on the My KooGallery > Service Supervision page.

    You do not need to submit additional requests for the license. By default, the service flow status changes to Waiting for the seller to provide the service upon your payment.

  2. After the seller delivers the license offline and updates the service flow status, the order status changes to Waiting for the user to confirm acceptance. You can view the delivery status of the license on the My KooGallery > Service Supervision page.
  3. After receiving the license offline, accept the license on the My KooGallery > Service Supervision page. Reject the license if it has not been delivered to you or you are not satisfied with it.

Accepting a Product

  1. Log in to Huawei Cloud KooGallery and go to the My KooGallery > Service Supervision page.
  2. Set search criteria, and click Accept service in the Operation column of the row containing the target transaction record.

  3. If you are satisfied with the product, click Accept Service.

  4. In the displayed dialog box, click OK.