Updated on 2024-04-19 GMT+08:00

Dashboard Templates

LTS provides built-in dashboard templates for API Gateway (APIG), Cloud Firewall (CFW), Distributed Cache Service (DCS), Document Database Service (DDS), Distributed Message Service (DMS), Elastic Load Balance (ELB), and Nginx.

The built-in dashboard template cannot be modified.

APIG Dashboard Templates

You can view metrics with the APIG dashboard template if you have log_type=apig_access as the log stream label or if you have set up the APIG template for structuring. The APIG dashboard template group includes templates for APIG monitoring center, APIG access center, and APIG second-level monitoring.

  • APIG monitoring center: This dashboard allows you to filter information by request domain name or app_id. It displays the PV, UV, traffic, access failure rate, latency, and top hosts, URLs, or backends with the most requests, longest latency, or highest failure rate.
  • APIG access center: This dashboard allows you to filter information by request domain name or app_id. It displays the PV comparison, PV distribution (China), PV distribution (global), UV distribution (China), UV distribution (global), average latency distribution (China), average latency distribution (global), today's PV/UV, 7-day PV/UV, top 10 provinces/cities with the most requests, top 10 hosts/UserAgents with the most requests, device distribution by type or system, and top URLs/IP addresses with the most requests of APIG logs.
  • APIG monitoring by the second: This dashboard allows you to filter information by request domain name or app_id. It displays the QPS, success rate, latency, traffic, status code, and upstream status code of APIG logs.

CFW Dashboard Templates

You can view metrics with the CFW dashboard template if you have log_type=cfw_flow as the log stream label or if you have set up the CFW_FLOW template for structuring. The CFW dashboard template group includes templates for the CFW traffic log center, CFW access log center, and CFW attack log center.

  • CFW traffic log center: Displays the traffic trend, inbound region distribution, application distribution, top 5 source IP addresses, and top 5 destination IP addresses of Internet access and server originated access.

  • CFW access log center: Displays the trend, top 5 applications, top 5 destinations, and top 5 sources of blockage in Internet access and server originated access.

  • CFW attack log center: Displays the attack trend, source distribution, top 5 commands, top 5 targets, and top 5 sources in CFW logs.

DCS Dashboard Templates

You can view metrics with the DCS dashboard template if you have log_type=dcs_audit as the log stream label or if you have set up the DCS_AUDIT template for structuring. The DCS dashboard template group includes the DCS audit log center template.

DCS audit log center: Displays the number of access users, number of access clients, number of audit logs, average response duration, average QPS, top 5 users, top 5 clients, top 5 commands, hot keys, and audit log details.

DDS Dashboard Templates

You can view metrics with the DDS dashboard template if you have log_type=dds_audit as the log stream label or if you have set up the DDS_AUDIT template for structuring. The DDS dashboard template group includes the DDS audit log center template.

DDS audit log center: Displays the number of access users, number of access clients, number of audit logs, average response duration, average QPS, top 5 users, top 5 clients, top 5 commands, hot keys, and audit log details.

DMS Dashboard Templates

You can view metrics with the DMS dashboard template if you have log_type=dms_rebalanced as the log stream label or if you have set up the DMS template for structuring. The DMS dashboard template group includes the DMS rebalancing log center.

DMS rebalancing log center: Displays the number of DMS rebalancing consumer groups, rebalancing times, rebalancing times of consumer groups, rebalancing reasons, and group details.

ELB Dashboard Templates

You can view metrics with the ELB dashboard template if you have log_type=elb_7layer_access as the log stream label or if you have set up the ELB template for structuring. The ELB dashboard template group includes templates for the ELB monitoring center, ELB access center, and ELB second-level monitoring.

  • ELB layer-7 monitoring center: Displays the PV, UV, traffic, failure rate, latency, and top hosts, URLs, or backends with the most requests, longest latency, or highest failure rate of ELB logs.

  • ELB layer-7 access center: Displays the PV comparison, PV distribution (China), PV distribution (global), UV distribution (China), UV distribution (global), average latency distribution (China), average latency distribution (global), today's PV/UV, 7-day PV/UV, top 10 provinces/cities with the most requests, top 10 hosts/UserAgents with the most requests, device distribution by type or system, and top URLs/IP addresses with the most requests of ELB logs.

  • ELB layer-7 second-level monitoring: This dashboard allows you to filter information by load balancer, client IP address, backend server IP address, or elastic IP address. It displays the QPS, success rate, latency, traffic, status code, and upstream status code of ELB logs.

Nginx Dashboard Templates

You can view metrics with the Nginx dashboard template if you have log_type=nginx_access as the log stream label or if you have set up the Nginx template for structuring. The Nginx dashboard template group includes templates for the Nginx monitoring center, Nginx access center, and Nginx second-level monitoring.

  • Nginx monitoring center: Displays the PV, UV, traffic, failure rate, latency, and top hosts, URLs, or backends with the most requests, longest latency, or highest failure rate.

  • Nginx access center: Displays the PV comparison, PV distribution (China), PV distribution (global), UV distribution (China), UV distribution (global), average latency distribution (China), average latency distribution (global), today's PV/UV, 7-day PV/UV, top 10 provinces/cities with the most requests, top 10 hosts/UserAgents with the most requests, device distribution by type or system, and top URLs/IP addresses with the most requests of Nginx logs.

  • Nginx second-level monitoring: Displays the QPS, success rate, latency, traffic, status code, and upstream status code.