Updated on 2024-02-02 GMT+08:00

Managing Clients

On this page, you can create and manage clients, view client IP addresses, and use the IP addresses to connect multiple services to LakeFormation instances.


  1. Log in to the LakeFormation console.
  2. In the upper left corner, click and choose Analytics > LakeFormation to access the LakeFormation console.
  3. Select the LakeFormation instance to be operated from the drop-down list on the left and click Clients in the navigation pane.
  4. Click Create. In the displayed dialog box, set the following parameters and click OK.

    If no suitable VPC or subnet is available, click create one to access the VPC console to create one.

    Table 1 Parameters for creating an access management client




    Enter a client name.


    Select the VPC to which the client to be connected belongs. The value must be the same as that of the service to be connected.


    Select the subnet to which the client to be connected belongs. The value must be the same as that of the service to be connected.

  5. Click View Details in the Operation column to open the details page.

    In the Basic Information area, you can view the ID, client name, status, access mode, VPC, and subnet.

    In the Accessed Connections area, you can view the VPC endpoint ID and access IP address.