Updated on 2024-05-16 GMT+08:00

Viewing the Device List

After devices are added, you can view the added devices in the device list.

  1. Log in to the IVM background.
  2. Choose Device > Devices.
  3. You can view the device information in the device list on the right.

    You can click the setting button next to the search box to customize the columns to be displayed as required.

    Table 1 Parameters




    Device name

    Device Type

    Device type

    Video Sites

    Number of channels

    Device Group

    Device group to which the device belongs

    Access Protocol

    Access protocol, including GB and HoloSens protocols.


    Version of the software running on the device.


    Device vender

    Device Model

    Device model

    Access Time

    Time when a device is added

    Common Users

    Number of the accessed common users


    You can check the algorithm details, video site, SIP information, and click More to view common user, synchronize channel information, change device group, and delete the device.

    • You can locate the row of a single device and click an operation button in the Operation column.
    • You can also select multiple devices in batches and click an operation button above the device list.