Updated on 2022-08-11 GMT+08:00

Health Check Configuration

Health check regularly checks the status of containers or workloads. There is a liveness probe and a readiness probe:

  • Liveness Probe: The system executes the probe to check if a container is still alive, and restarts the instance if the probe fails. Currently, the system probes a container by HTTP request or command and determines whether the container is alive based on the response from the container.
  • Readiness Probe: The system invokes the probe to determine whether the instance is ready. If the instance is not ready, the system does not forward requests to the instance.

IEF can perform a health check by HTTP request or through a CLI.

HTTP Request-based Check

IEF periodically initiates an HTTP GET request to a container. If HTTP code 2xx or 3xx is received, the container is healthy.

For example, if health check parameters are set as shown in the following figure, IEF will send an HTTP GET request to http://{Instance's IP address}/healthz:8080 10 seconds after the container starts. If no response is received within 2 seconds, the health check fails. If status code 2xx or 3xx is received, the container is healthy.

You do not need to specify the host address. By default, the instance's IP address is used (that is, requests are sent to the container) unless you have special requirements.

Figure 1 HTTP request-based check

CLI-based Check

The probe runs commands in the container and checks the command output. If the command output is 0, the container is healthy.

For example, if health check parameters are set as shown in the following figure, IEF will run cat /tmp/healthy 10 seconds after the container starts. If no response is received within 2 seconds, the health check fails. If the command output is 0, the container is healthy.

Figure 2 CLI-based check