Updated on 2022-08-30 GMT+08:00

Modifying a Policy

You can modify policies in a policy group.

Modifications on a policy take effect only in the group it belongs to.

Accessing the Policies Page

  1. Log in to the management console.
  1. In the upper left corner of the page, select a region, click , and choose Security & Compliance > Host Security Service.
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Security Operations > Policies.


  1. In the policy group list, click the name of the group that contains the required policy.
  1. Click Assets.
  2. In the Policy Settings area, modify the settings as required, as shown in Figure 1. For more information, see Table 1.

    Figure 1 Assets
    Table 1 Assets parameters



    Scan Time

    Time point when scans are performed. It can be accurate to the minute.

    Scan Days

    Days in a week when assets are scanned. You can select one or more days.

    Software Scanned

    • Software name. A name can contain a maximum of 5000 characters without any space. Use commas (,) to separate software names.
    • If this parameter is not specified, information about all installed software will be retrieved as its value.

    Locations Scanned

    Software search path. This parameter is not required for a Windows server.

    Main Applications/Components

    • Software Name
    • Software Main Program
    • Execute Command
    • Operation: You can click Add or Remove to modify operations.

    Obtain UDP Port

    Obtains UDP port information and check the web directories.

    • : enable
    • : disable

    Port Information Check Interval (s)

    Interval between two consecutive port checks. The value range is 30s to 86,400s.

  3. Click OK.

System Configuration Detection

  1. In the policy group list, click the name of the group that contains the required policy.
  1. Click System Settings Scan.
  2. In the Policy Settings area, modify the settings as required, as shown in Figure 2. For more information, see Table 2.

    Figure 2 System settings scan
    Table 2 System settings scan parameters



    Scan Time

    Time point when detections are performed. It can be accurate to the minute.

    Scan Days

    Day in a week when a detection is performed. You can select any days from Monday to Sunday.

  3. Select the OSs to be checked.
  4. Click OK.

Weak Password Scan

Weak passwords are not attributed to a certain type of vulnerabilities, but they bring no less security risks than any type of vulnerabilities. Data and programs will become insecure if their passwords are cracked.

HSS proactively detects the accounts using weak passwords and generates alarms for the accounts. You can also add a password that may have been leaked to the weak password list to prevent server accounts from using the password.

  1. In the policy group list, click the name of the group that contains the required policy.
  2. In the policy group list, click Weak Password Scan.
  3. In the Policy Settings area, modify the settings as required, as shown in Figure 3. For more information, see Table 3.

    Figure 3 Weak password scan
    Table 3 Weak password scan parameters



    Use Basic Weak Password Dictionary

    Whether to enable the weak password dictionary.

    • : enable
    • : disable

    URL of Weak Password Dictionary

    URL of the website that the weak password dictionary gets updates from

    Weak Password Dictionary SHA256

    SHA256 of the weak password dictionary

    Scan Days

    Days in a week when weak passwords are scanned. You can select one or more days.

    User-defined Weak Passwords

    You can add a password that may have been leaked to this weak password text box to prevent server accounts from using the password.

    MySQL Weak Password Detection

    Scans MySQL login passwords for weak passwords.

  4. Click OK.

High-risk Command Detection

  1. In the policy group list, click the name of the group that contains the required policy.
  1. Click High-risk Command Scan.
  2. In the Policy Settings area, modify the settings as required, as shown in Figure 4. For more information, see Table 4.

    Figure 4 High-risk command detection
    Table 4 High-risk command scan parameters



    Report or Log Process Terminations

    Reports or records process termination.

    • : enable
    • : disable

    Deduplicate and Report via the Message Channel

    De-duplicates messages reported through the message channel.

    • : enable
    • : disable

    Process Reporting Interval (Min)

    This parameter takes effect only if Deduplicate and Report via the Message Channel has been enabled.

    This parameter specifies the interval for reporting process statistics. Set it to a valid number.

    Max. CPU Usage of Independent Process (%)

    This parameter takes effect only if Deduplicate and Report via the Message Channel has been enabled.

    This parameter specifies the maximum CPU usage of an independent process. The value range is 5 to 99.

    Max. Memory Usage of Independent Process (MB)

    This parameter takes effect only if Re-reporting via the Message Channel has been enabled.

    This parameter specifies the maximum memory usage of an independent process. The value range is 50 to 1024.

    Data Receiving IP & Port of Independent Process

    This parameter takes effect only if Re-reporting via the Message Channel has been enabled.

    This parameter specifies the data receiving IP address and port of an independent process.

    Max. Independent Process Data Sending Rate (kbit/s)

    This parameter takes effect only if Re-reporting via the Message Channel has been enabled.

    This parameter specifies the maximum data sending rate of an independent process. The value range is 1 to 100.

    Log Compaction

    Compacts logs.

    • : enable
    • : disable

    Collecting Process Network Info

    Collects network connection information of processes.

    • : enable
    • : disable

    Record Logs

    Records logs.

    • : enable
    • : disable

    Log File Path

    Log file path

    Maximum Log Size (MB)

    Maximum size of a log file. The value range is 10 to 1024.

    • If the size of a .log file exceeds the allowed maximum size, the system automatically renames the file as .log.0, creates a new .log file, and writes logs to the .log file.
    • A maximum of two log files can exist. If the .log file exceeds the allowed maximum size, the system deletes the .log.0 file, renames the .log file as .log.0, creates a new .log file, and writes logs to the .log file.

    High-Risk Commands

    High-risk commands you want HSS to detect. Each command occupies a line.

    Whitelist (Do Not Record Logs)

    • Process Path or Process Name: full path of a process or full name of a program
    • Regular Expression in CLI: regular expression of a command
    • Operation: You can click Add or Delete to modify the list of processes and programs.

  3. Click OK.

Privilege Escalation Scan

  1. In the policy group list, click the name of the group that contains the required policy.
  1. Click Privilege Escalation Scan.
  2. In the Policy Settings area, modify the settings as required, as shown in Figure 5. For more information, see Table 5.

    Figure 5 Privilege escalation detection
    Table 5 Privilege escalation scan parameters



    Ignored Process File Path

    Ignored process file path

    Scanning Interval (s)

    Interval for checking process files. The value range is 5 to 3600.

  3. Click OK.

Abnormal or Reverse Shell Scan

  1. In the policy group list, click the name of the group that contains the required policy.
  1. Click Abnormal/Reverse Shell Scan.
  2. In the Policy Settings area, modify the settings as required, as shown in Figure 6. For more information, see Figure 6.

    Figure 6 Abnormal or reverse shell scan
    Table 6 Abnormal or reverse shell scan parameters



    Whitelist Paths in Reverse Shell Check

    Process file path to be ignored in reverse shell detection

    Reverse Shell Scanning Period (s):

    Reverse shell scanning period. The value range is 30 to 86,400.

    Abnormal Shell Detection

    Detects abnormal shells. You are advised to enable it.

    • : enable
    • : disable

    Max. Files Opened by a Process

    Maximum number of files that can be opened by a process. The value range is 10 to 300,000.

  3. Click OK.

File Integrity Monitoring

  1. In the policy group list, click the name of the group that contains the required policy.
  1. Click File Integrity Monitoring.
  2. In the Policy Settings area, modify the settings as required, as shown in Figure 7. For more information, see Table 7.

    Figure 7 Integrity check on critical files
    Table 7 File integrity monitoring parameters



    Full Scan Interval (s)

    Interval between two consecutive full scans on specified files. The value range is 3600 to 100,000.

    For example, setting it to 3600 means the full scan is performed every hour.

    File Status Check Interval (s)

    Interval for checking file status. The value range is 10 to 600.

    File Scan Interval (ms)

    Interval between the checks of two files. The value range is 0 to 1000.

    For example, if this parameter is set to 50, the system checks /usr/bin/ls 50 milliseconds after it checks /bin/ls.

    File Paths

    Path of the files to be checked

    • Exercise caution when modifying its settings. Its default values are all critical files and you are not advised to delete any of them.
    • HSS does not monitor changes on the files that are not specified here.

  3. Click OK.

Web Shell Scan

Web shell scan takes effect only after a web path is set.

  1. In the policy group list, click the name of the group that contains the required policy.
  2. Click Web Shell Scan.
  3. In the Policy Settings area, modify the settings as required, as shown in Figure 8. For more information, see Table 8.

    Figure 8 Web shell scan

    To prevent the software in web paths from affecting the HSS agent, do not set web paths under /usr/local.

    Table 8 Web shell scan parameters



    Asset Discovery Linkage

    Automatically scans the web paths you specified.

    • : enable
    • : disable

    Monitored Web Directories

    Web paths to be scanned. A file path must:

    • Start with a slash (/) and end with no slashes (/).
    • End with a port number.
    • Occupy a separate line and cannot contain spaces.

    Monitored Files Types

    Extensions of files to be checked. Valid values include jsp, jspx, jspf, php, php5, php4.

    Monitor File Modification

    Monitors modifications on files.

  4. Click OK.