Updated on 2022-02-10 GMT+08:00

Deleting an HPC Cluster


  • If a cluster is no longer needed, you can delete it. If you do not select Delete cloud server when you delete the cluster, these servers will be retained and continue to be billed after the cluster is deleted. To stop billing for these cloud servers, manually delete pay-per-use servers and unsubscribe from yearly/monthly servers.
  • If a cluster fails to be created, you can delete the cluster and do not select Delete cloud server. Then, use these servers to deploy a cluster again.
  • If an exception occurs in a cluster and the cluster cannot be manually restored, you can delete the cluster and do not select Delete cloud server. Then, use these servers to deploy a cluster again.


  • The EIP bound to the cluster will continue to be billed after the cluster is deleted. You need to manually delete the EIP to stop billing.
  • Data disks attached to nodes in the cluster will continue to be billed after the cluster is deleted, even if you select Delete cloud server when deleting the cluster. You need to manually delete the data disks to stop billing.


  1. Log in to the HPC-S² console.
  1. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Clusters.
  2. In the cluster list, locate the row where the cluster you want to delete, and choose More > Delete in the Operation column. On the confirmation page, whether option Delete cloud server is available depends on the billing mode of the cluster you want to delete.
    • Pay-per-use

      Delete cloud server is available on the confirmation page.

      • Option selected

        The cloud servers will be deleted together with the cluster.

      • Option not selected

        The cloud servers are retained. You can view the cloud servers on the corresponding service console.

    • Yearly/Monthly

      Delete cloud server is unavailable on the confirmation page.

      You need to unsubscribe from the yearly/monthly cloud servers in the cluster.

    • Yearly/Monthly and Pay-per-use

      Delete cloud server is available on the confirmation page.

      • Option selected

        Pay-per-use cloud servers will be deleted together with the cluster. You need to manually unsubscribe from the yearly/monthly cloud servers in the cluster.

      • Option not selected

        The cloud servers are retained. You can view the cloud servers on the corresponding service console.