Help Center> High Performance Computing> User Guide> Typical Applications in the BMS Scenario> Configuring Password-free Login Between BMSs in a Cluster
Updated on 2022-05-09 GMT+08:00

Configuring Password-free Login Between BMSs in a Cluster


This section describes how to configure a BMS cluster to enable password-free login between BMSs in the cluster.


$: indicates performing an operation as a common user.

#: indicates performing an operation as an administrator.

Run the sudo su command to switch from a common user to an administrator.


A BMS has been created and an EIP has been bound to the BMS.


  1. Use PuTTY and a key pair to log in to any BMS in the cluster.
  2. Run the following command to disable user logout upon system timeout:

    # TMOUT=0

  3. Copy the BMS key file in .pem format to the .ssh directory and name it id_rsa.

    $ cd ~/.ssh

    $ mv *.pem id_rsa

  4. Run the following command to assign permissions of the key file:

    $ sudo chmod 600 id_rsa

  5. Run the following command to log in to the BMS using SSH and check whether you can log in to the BMS without a password:

    $ ssh localhost

    Figure 1 Password-free login to a BMS

    If information shown in Figure 1 is displayed and you can log in to the BMS without a password, the permissions have been assigned.

  6. Log in to other BMSs in the cluster and repeat steps 1 to 5.
  7. Run the following commands to check whether the tested BMSs can be logged in from each other without a password:

    $ ssh Username@SERVER_IP