Updated on 2023-06-01 GMT+08:00

Change Review Configuration

Administrators can configure the change review process, including reviewers and review rules. Reviewers can perform change operations based on the configured process.

In the O&M workspace, choose Service Tickets > Change Review Configurations. Click Add Change Review Config and configure parameters.

Figure 1 Change review parameters
Table 1 Parameters required for the change review




Select the project that the review process belongs to.


Select the service that the review process belongs to.

Review Process Name

Enter a name for the review process.

Level-1 Reviewer

Click the plus sign (+) on the right to add reviewers of more levels.


The options are as follows:

  • By any reviewer: The change at this level can be approved by any reviewer.
  • By all reviewers: The change at this level must be approved by all reviewers.