Help Center> EventGrid> User Guide> Event Sources> Cloud Service Event Sources
Updated on 2023-10-26 GMT+08:00

Cloud Service Event Sources

This section describes the cloud service event sources supported by EG, and depicts how to view their predefined event types.

Cloud Service Event Source List

The following table lists the cloud service event sources supported by EG.

Table 1 Cloud service event sources

Cloud Application Engine (CAE)

Database and Application Migration (UGO)


Content Moderation

Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)



API Gateway (APIG)

Data Warehouse Service (DWS)


Identity and Access Management (IAM)

EventGrid (EG)

Huawei Cloud Ubiquitous Cloud Native Service (UCS)

Scalable File Service (SFS)


Face Recognition Service (FRS)

Cloud Service Engine (CSE)

Direct Connect

Data Lake Visualization (DLV)

NAT Gateway


IoT Device Access (IoTDA)

Distributed Message Service (DMS)

Knowledge Graph (KG)

IoT Edge

Log Tank Service (LTS)


Object Storage Migration Service (OMS)

Cloud Backup and Recovery (CBR)

Message & SMS (MSGSMS)

Elastic IP (EIP)

Cloud Trace Service (CTS)

Cloud Search Service (CSS)

Video Analysis Service (VAS)

Data Admin Service (DAS)

Bare Metal Server (BMS)


VPC Endpoint (VPCEP)

Cloud Storage Gateway (CSG)

Virtual Private Network (VPN)

Enterprise Router (ER)

Recommender System (RES)

Cloud Server Backup Service (CSBS)

Content Delivery Network (CDN)

Container Guard Service (CGS)

Situation Awareness (SA)



Volume Backup Service (VBS)


Cloud Phone (CPH)

Cloud Performance Test Service (CPTS)

Intelligent EdgeCloud (IEC)


Server Migration Service (SMS)

Tag Management Service (TMS)

Conversational Bot Service (CBS)

Relational Database Service (RDS)

Domain Name Service (DNS, Region)

Storage Disaster Recovery Service (SDRS)

Voice Call

Application Performance Management (APM)

Application Orchestration Service (AOS)

Data Ingestion Service (DIS)

Database Security Service (DBSS)


Cloud Data Migration (CDM)

Multi-Site High Availability Service (MAS)


Image Recognition

OBS Application Service

Object Storage Service (OBS)

Intelligent EdgeFabric (IEF)

SoftWare Repository for Container (SWR)

Distributed Cache Service (DCS)

Auto Scaling (AS)

Vulnerability Scan Service (VSS)

Graph Engine Service (GES)

Data Lake Insight (DLI)

Cloud Container Instance (CCI)

CodeArts Req

Document Database Service (DDS)

Data Replication Service (DRS)


Distributed Database Middleware (DDM)

Simple Message Notification (SMN)



Blockchain Service (BCS)

Application Operations Management (AOM)

MapReduce Service (MRS)

Cloud Bastion Host (CBH)

Host Security Service (HSS)

Web Application Firewall (WAF)

Elastic Load Balance (ELB)

Elastic Volume Service (EVS)

ROMA Connect

Cloud Container Engine (CCE)

Image Management Service (IMS)

Elastic Cloud Server (ECS)

Currently, only write events are supported. Read events are not supported.

Viewing Event Types

  1. Log in to the EG console.
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Event Sources.
  3. On the Cloud Service tab, click the desired event source.
  4. View the event types and description in the Event Types area, as shown in Figure 1.

    Figure 1 Event types