Updated on 2025-01-03 GMT+08:00

Enabling Alarm Notifications

You can configure an SMN topic within the SMN application and authorize EdgeSec to send attack logs to you via your chosen notification mode (e.g., email or SMS).


  • Currently, SMN topics can be configured only in the CN North-Beijing4 region.
  • The default topic name is edgesec-topic.


Before onboarding EdgeSec, you must first access the CN North-Beijing4 region to verify the accessibility of the region.

Creating a Topic

  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. Click in the upper left corner of the page and choose Management & Governance > Simple Message Notification.
  3. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Topic Management > Topics.
  4. On the Topics page, click Create Topic.
  5. Configure parameters.

    Table 1 Parameters for creating a topic



    Topic Name


    Display name

    Message sender name, which can contain up to 192 bytes

    CTS Log

    Whether to enable CTS log.


    A tag is a key-value pair. Tags identify cloud resources so that you can easily categorize and search for your resources.

    If you have configured tag policies for message notifications, add tags to your topics based on the tag policies. If you add a tag that does not comply with the tag policies, topics may fail to be created. Contact the administrator to learn more about tag policies.

    • A key can contain a maximum of 128 characters, and a value can contain a maximum of 255 characters.
    • A tag key can contain letters, digits, spaces, and special characters (_.:=+-@), but cannot start or end with a space or start with _sys_.
    • A tag value can contain letters, digits, spaces, and any of the following characters: : / = + - @
    • You can add up to 20 tags for each topic.

  6. Click OK.

Assigning Permissions

  1. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Topic Management > Topics.
  2. Click the name of a topic to go to its details page, and click Configure Topic Policy in the upper right corner.
  3. In the dialog box displayed, set Services that can publish messages to this topic to EDGESEC. For details about how to configure other parameters, see Configuring Topic Policies.

Adding a Subscription

  1. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Topic Management > Topics.
  2. Locate the topic that you want to add a subscription to. In the Operation column, click Add Subscription.

    Alternatively, click a topic name in the Topic Name column. In the upper right corner of the displayed page, click Add Subscription.

  3. Select the required protocol from the Protocol drop-down list and enter the subscription endpoint in the Endpoint text box.
  4. Click OK. For details, see Adding a Subscription.

Example Alarm Notification Email

After SMN is configured, alarm notifications will be sent by email. EdgeSec sends attack logs to you. Figure 1 shows an example of an alarm notification email.

Figure 1 Example Alarm Notification Email