Updated on 2022-02-22 GMT+08:00

Renaming a Job

You can change the name of a job.

This section describes how to rename a job.


You have created a job. The job to be renamed exists in the job directory. For details about how to create a job, see Creating a Job.


  1. Log in to the DLF console.
  2. In the navigation tree of the Data Development console, choose Data Development > Develop Job.
  3. In the job directory, select the job to be renamed. Right-click the job name and choose Rename from the shortcut menu.

    Figure 1 Choosing Rename

  4. On the page that is displayed, configure related parameters. Table 1 describes the parameters.

    Figure 2 Renaming a job
    Table 1 Job renaming parameters



    Job Name

    Name of the job. Must consist of 1 to 128 characters and contain only letters, digits, hyphens (-), underscores (_), and periods (.).

  5. Click OK.