Updated on 2022-02-22 GMT+08:00

For Each


Specifies a subjob to be executed cyclically and assigns values to variables in a subjob with a dataset.


Table 1 describes the parameters of the For Each node.

Table 1 Parameters of the For Each node




Node Name


Name of the node. Must consist of 1 to 128 characters and contain only letters, digits, underscores (_), hyphens (-), slashes (/), less-than signs (<), and greater-than signs (>).

Subjob in a Loop


Name of the subjob to be executed cyclically.



The For Loop operator needs to define a dataset, which is used to cyclically replace the variables in subjobs. The dataset comes from:

  • Upstream nodes

    For example, the SELECT statement of DLI SQL or the echo of the shell node. Currently, only the SELECT statements of Hive SQL, Spark SQL, and DLI SQL are supported.

  • Files in CSV format

Concurrent Subjobs


Subjobs generated cyclically can be executed concurrently. You can set the number of concurrent subjobs.

Subjob Suffix


Name of the subjob generated by For Each: For Each node name + underscore (_) + suffix.

The suffix is configurable. If the suffix is not configured, the suffix increases in ascending order based on the number.

Job Running Parameter


  • If the subjob parameters are left unspecified, the subjob is executed with its own parameter variables.
  • If the subjob parameters are specified, the subjob is executed with the configured parameter values. The method or EL expression configured for the subjob parameter in the node attribute is read and replaced based on the environment variable of the parent job.
Table 2 Advanced parameters




Max. Node Execution Duration


Execution timeout interval for the node. If retry is configured and the execution is not complete within the timeout interval, the node will not be retried and is set to the failed state.

Retry upon Failure


Indicates whether to re-execute a node task if its execution fails. Possible values:

  • Yes: The node task will be re-executed, and the following parameters must be configured:
    • Maximum Retries
    • Retry Interval (seconds)
  • No: The node task will not be re-executed. This is the default setting.

If Timeout Interval is configured for the node, the node will not be executed again after the execution times out. Instead, the node is set to the failure state.

Failure Policy


Operation that will be performed if the node task fails to be executed. Possible values:

  • End the current job execution plan
  • Go to the next job
  • Suspend the current job execution plan
  • Suspend execution plans of the current and subsequent nodes