Updated on 2022-02-22 GMT+08:00

Starting DIS Agent

Starting DIS Agent on a Linux Server

  1. Start PuTTY and log in to the server on which logs reside.
  2. Run the following command to navigate to the DIS Agent installation directory:

    cd /opt/dis-agent-x.x.x/x.x.x indicates the version number.

  3. Run the following script to start the DIS Agent:

    bash bin/start-dis-agent.sh

    If multiple DIS Agent processes need to be started, you need to use -c to specify the configuration file and -n to specify the name of the new Agent process.

    bash bin/start-dis-agent.sh -c config/anotherAgent.yml -n anotherAgent

    Run the bash script to start the DIS Agent. Running another script, such as sh or ./ may fail to start the DIS Agent.

    If information similar to the following appears, the DIS Agent has started successfully:

    Success to start DIS Agent [xxxxx].

    If no Java variables can be found after the DIS Agent starts, run the following command to restart the DIS Agent:

    source /etc/profile

Starting DIS Agent on a Windows Server

  1. Navigate to the bin directory of DIS Agent, for example, C:\dis-agent-X.X.X\bin.
  2. Double-click start-dis-agent.bat to start the DIS Agent.

    If information similar to the following appears in log files, the DIS Agent has started successfully:

    [INFO ] (main) com.bigdata.dis.agent.Agent Agent: Startup completed in XXX ms.