Updated on 2022-02-22 GMT+08:00

Installing DIS Agent


PuTTY has been installed.

Installing DIS Agent on a Linux Server

  1. Start PuTTY and log in to the server on which logs reside, that is, the server that experiences a dependency check in section Checking Dependencies.
  2. Upload the DIS Agent package dis-agent-X.X.X.zip obtained in section Obtaining DIS Agent Package to the /opt directory.
  3. Run the following command to decompress the dis-agent-X.X.X directory from the DIS Agent package dis-agent-X.X.X.zip:

    unzip dis-agent-X.X.X.zip

  4. Run the following command to navigate to the dis-agent-X.X.X directory:

    cd dis-agent-X.X.X

Installing DIS Agent on a Windows Server

  1. Save the dis-agent-X.X.X.zip package obtained in Obtaining DIS Agent Package to the local host.
  2. Decompress the dis-agent-X.X.X.zip package to the current directory.