Updated on 2024-04-01 GMT+08:00


Data migration is a process of migrating data from databases to DDM or exporting data from DDM to other database systems. You can use the MySQL tool mysqldump to export data. If both full and incremental migrations are required, use Data Replication Service (DRS).


  • Services may be interrupted during migration. The duration of the interruption depends on the amount of data to be migrated and on network conditions.
  • Data migration is complicated and is recommended during off-peak hours. This guide is for reference only. Design a proper migration solution based on your service scenario, data volume, and downtime requirements.
  • To migrate a large amount of data or a large data table, submit a service ticket in the upper right corner on the console or contact DDM customer service and perform a rehearsal before formal migration.
  • DDM can be accessed only using an ECS. So you need to export databases as files, upload the files to the ECS, and import the file data from the ECS to DDM.

Migration Methods

DDM supports the following migration methods:

  • Using official MySQL clients. The following passages will use an RDS for MySQL instance as an example to describe this method.
  • Using DRS