Updated on 2024-07-02 GMT+08:00

Index Recycle Bin

With Elasticsearch clusters, indexes are deleted without first being put into a recycle bin. To allow users to restore data after misdeletion, CSS provides an index recycle bin. Similar to other recycle bins, the index recycle bin temporarily stores deleted indexes so that users can restore them before they are finally removed from the recycle bin. This helps to improve cluster data reliability.


  • Currently, only Elasticsearch clusters of version 7.10.2 support the index recycle bin.
  • With the index recycle bin enabled, after you use the DELETE API to move an index to the recycle bin, the cluster status may stay RED for a short period of time. This is because putting the index into the recycle bin causes the index to be closed, and the Elasticsearch cluster status becomes RED when there are closed indexes.
  • When a restoration API is used to restore an index from the recycle bin, the cluster status may also stay RED for a short period of time. This is because restoring an index from the recycle bin causes that index to be reopened, and when it happens, Elasticsearch needs to re-initialize shards. This causes the cluster status to become RED momentarily.
  • Indexes stored in the recycle bin are still part of the cluster metadata. Before they are removed from the recycle bin, same-name indexes cannot be created for the cluster.

Enabling the Index Recycle Bin

Run the following command to enable the index recycle bin:

PUT _cluster/settings
  "persistent": {
    "index.trash.enabled": true
Table 1 Configuration items

Configuration Item



Whether to enable the index recycle bin. The default value is false. This setting is compatible with the open-source Elasticsearch. Setting this parameter to true enables the index recycle bin. After an index is deleted, the index is stored in the recycle bin. You need to delete the index again to permanently delete the index data.


Duration for retaining indexes in the recycle bin. The default value is 1d, meaning indexes will be retained in the recycle bin for one day before they are permanently deleted. The minimum value is 1d.

The following command deletes an index:

INDEX_NAME indicates the name of the index to be deleted. Wildcards can be used to specify indexes.

Viewing Indexes in the Recycle Bin

Run the following command to view indexes in the index recycle bin:

GET _cat/trash?v=true&s=index
Table 2 Parameters




Whether to display the table header when the return format is a table.

  • true: display the table header.
  • false: not display the table header.

The default value is false.


Index sorting fields. Options include index, uuid, pri, rep, trash.ts, and delete.time.


Return format of the command. The default format is table. Other options include json, yaml, cobr, and smile. cobr and smile are binary formats.


Set the column names to be displayed. By default, all column names are displayed. To specify the column names you want to display, separate them using commas (,), for example, h=index,uuid,delete.time.

The following is an example of the output.

index    uuid                   pri rep      trash.ts delete.time
index1   CMD3FCLzTOyTg4RUekWNNA   1   1 1714465116615       23.6h
index1   6ATijuu6SfqamVI-WMyOKg   1   1 1714466233898       23.9h
Table 3 Parameters in the output




Index name


Index UUID


Number of shards of an index


Number of replicas of an index


Time when an index was moved to the recycle bin


Remaining retention duration of an index in the recycle bin. When the value changes to 0, the index is permanently deleted.

Restoring an Index from the Recycle Bin

Run the following command to restore an index from the recycle bin:

POST /trash/recover/{INDEX_NAME}

INDEX_NAME indicates the name of the index to be restored. Wildcards can be used to specify indexes.

Emptying the Recycle Bin

Run the following command to clear the recycle bin:

POST trash/empty

Emptying the recycle bin will permanently delete all data in it. Please exercise caution.