Updated on 2024-07-05 GMT+08:00

Protected Tags

To configure protected tags, you can choose Settings > Policy Settings > Protected Tags on the repository details page.

All repository members can view this page. For details about whether a repository member has repository setting permissions, refer to the Permissions page.

You can set protected tags to prevent production tags or important tags from being deleted. The procedure is as follows:

Click Create Protected Tag. In the dialog box that is displayed, select a tag from the Tags drop-down list or create a wildcard, select None, Developer, committer, project manager, and administrator, or administrator, project manager from the Allowed to Create drop-down list, and click OK.

  • If Allowed to Create is set to Developer, committer, project Manager, and administrator, or Administrator, project manager, other members cannot create or delete the tags. If Allowed to Create is set to No one, all members cannot create or delete the tags.
  • Click to delete protected tags.