Updated on 2023-03-29 GMT+08:00


How Do I Fix It If "Incomplete certificate chain" Is Displayed?

This is maybe because:

  • Invalid certificate format
  • Certificates are filled in wrong.
  • Certificates are installed in the wrong order.

    Sort the certificates with the root certificate at the end. For example, if you have three certificates, A, B, and C; and the root certificate, the order should be: certificate C - certificate B - certificate A - root certificate.

    For details about how to get the certificate chain right, see HTTPS Certificate Requirements.

Alternatively, use an online certificate chain tool to fix the incomplete certificate chain.

How Do I Fix It If the System Displays a Message Indicating that the Certificate Format Is Incorrect?

HTTPS configuration only supports certificates and private keys in the PEM format. Different certificate authorities have different requirements on the upload of the certificate body. For details about the format requirements, see HTTPS Certificate Requirements. If your certificate format is not PEM, use an online third-party tool to convert the certificate before uploading it.