Updated on 2024-01-26 GMT+08:00

IP Access Frequency

You can restrict the number of queries per seconds (QPS) to a URL from a single IP address to a single PoP to defend against CC attacks and malicious theft.


  • Restricting the IP access frequency can effectively defend against CC attacks, but it may affect normal access.
  • When the QPS of an IP address reaches the threshold, CDN returns status code 403. The restriction is removed 10 minutes later.
  • By default, this function is disabled.


  1. Log in to Huawei Cloud console. Choose Service List > Content Delivery & Edge Computing > Content Delivery Network.

    The CDN console is displayed.

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Domains.
  3. In the domain list, click the target domain name or click Configure in the Operation column.
  4. Click the Access Control tab and turn on the IP Access Frequency switch.
    Figure 1 IP access frequency
  5. Set Access Threshold and click OK.
    • When the number of times that a single IP address accesses a single URL via a PoP per second reaches the threshold, CDN returns status code 403 to the client. The restriction is removed 10 minutes later.
    • If you change Access Threshold within the restriction duration, the change takes effect after the restriction is removed.
  6. Turn off the IP Access Frequency switch to disable it.