Updated on 2024-06-20 GMT+08:00

Whole Site Acceleration

You can query traffic statistics of all domain names whose service type is whole site acceleration (excluding those deleted if you have enabled the enterprise project function).

  • Data of the past 90 days can be queried, and each query can include data of up to 31 days.
  • The minimum granularity is 5 minutes. If the query time range is 8 days or longer, the minimum granularity is 4 hours.
  • You can filter domain names by tag or service type.


  1. Log in to Huawei Cloud console. Choose Service List > Content Delivery & Edge Computing > Content Delivery Network.

    The CDN console is displayed.

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Analytics > Whole Site Acceleration.
  3. Set search criteria to query the following data:
    • Traffic: displays the traffic and the upstream traffic used for whole site acceleration.

    • Bandwidth: displays the peak bandwidth and upstream bandwidth used for whole site acceleration.