Updated on 2024-05-22 GMT+08:00

Link to MRS Hudi

Table 1 describes the MRS Hudi link parameters.

Do not change the password or user when the job is running. If you do so, the password will not take effect immediately and the job will fail.

Table 1 Hudi link parameters



Example Value


Link name


Manager IP

Floating IP address of MRS Manager. Click Select next to the Manager IP text box to select an MRS cluster. CDM automatically fills in the authentication information.

Authentication Method

Authentication method used for accessing MRS

  • SIMPLE: Select this for non-security mode.
  • KERBEROS: Select this for security mode.



Username for logging in to MRS Manager



Password for logging in to MRS Manager


OBS storage support

Whether to support OBS storage. If the Hudi table data is stored in OBS, you need to enable this function.



This parameter is available when OBS storage support is set to Yes.

AK and SK are used to log in to the OBS server.

You need to create an access key for the current account and obtain an AK/SK pair.

To obtain an access key, perform the following steps:
  1. Log in to the management console, move the cursor to the username in the upper right corner, and select My Credentials from the drop-down list.
  2. On the My Credentials page, choose Access Keys, and click Create Access Key. See Figure 1.
    Figure 1 Clicking Create Access Key
  3. Click OK and save the access key file as prompted. The access key file will be saved to your browser's configured download location. Open the credentials.csv file to view Access Key Id and Secret Access Key.
    • Only two access keys can be added for each user.
    • To ensure access key security, the access key is automatically downloaded only when it is generated for the first time and cannot be obtained from the management console later. Keep them properly.




OBS Test Path

This parameter is available when OBS storage support is set to Yes.

Enter a complete file path. The permission to access the path will be verified through the metadata query API.

  • For object storage, the path must be accurate to object, for example, obs://bucket/dir/test.txt. Otherwise, a 404 error occurs.
  • For a parallel file system, the path must be accurate to directory, for example, obs://bucket/dir.


Hive Properties

Names of the tables to be integrated. Use commas (,) to separate multiple table names. This parameter is mandatory and cannot contain spaces.
