Updated on 2024-03-15 GMT+08:00

Loading a VPC in Another Account


You can load the VPCs in other accounts to your cloud connection so that your VPCs can communicate with these VPCs.


You must have the permissions of Tenant Guest, VPC Administrator, and Cross Connect Administrator for the region where the other user's VPCs reside.

For details, see Permission Management.


  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. Hover on the upper left corner to display Service List and choose Networking > Cloud Connect.
  3. In the navigation pane, choose Cloud Connect > Cross-Account Authorization.
  4. Click Network Instances Authorized to Me.
  5. In the search box in the upper right corner of the list, search the VPCs by peer account ID, VPC ID, or cloud connection ID.
  6. Select the VPC and click Load to Cloud Connection in the Operation column.
  7. Configure the parameters.
    Table 1 Parameters for loading a VPC to a cloud connection



    Cloud Connection ID

    Specifies the ID of the cloud connection to which the VPC you want to load.


    Specifies the region where the VPC you want to connect is located.

    Instance Type

    Specifies the type of the network instance you can load. Only VPCs can be loaded.

    Peer VPC

    Specifies the ID of the VPC to be loaded.

    VPC CIDR Block

    Specifies the subnets of the VPC you want to load and the custom CIDR blocks.

  8. Click OK.

    In the cloud connection list, locate the cloud connection and click its name. Under Network Instances, view the loaded VPC.