Updated on 2024-05-14 GMT+08:00


Enhanced High-Speed Network

Figure 1 Enhanced high-speed network architecture

An enhanced high-speed network is a high-quality, high-speed, and low-latency internal network for BMSs to communicate with each other. It has the following features:

  • Networks for high-speed internal interconnection
  • Internal networks that you can customize
  • A total bandwidth greater than 10 Gbit/s

Hardware and software in high-speed networks are upgraded to provide enhanced high-speed networks. Figure 2 shows the architecture of the high-speed network and Figure 3 shows a comparison between the architectures of the high-speed network and enhanced high-speed network.

Figure 2 High-speed network architecture
Figure 3 Comparison between the high-speed network and enhanced high-speed network

Compared with the high-speed network, the enhanced high-speed network has the following advantages:

  • The bandwidth is 10 Gbit/s or higher.
  • The number of network planes can be customized and a maximum of 4,000 subnets are supported.

View Enhanced High-Speed NICs

You can view the network interfaces of the enhanced high-speed network on the NICs tab page of the BMS details page.

Figure 4 Viewing enhanced high-speed NICs

Application Scenarios

The enhanced high-speed NIC applies to the following scenarios:

  • Scenario 1: bonding

    When bonding enhanced high-speed NICs, you can choose whether to configure VLANs based on network planning.

    • Do not configure VLANs.

      If no VLAN is required, you can configure IP addresses and subnet masks directly when bonding enhanced high-speed NICs. After the configuration is complete, enhanced high-speed NICs on the same network can communicate with each other.

    • Configure VLANs.

      If VLANs are required, you can configure VLAN sub-interfaces after bonding enhanced high-speed NICs.

  • Scenario 2: no bonding

    If you use enhanced high-speed NICs directly without bonding them, you cannot configure VLANs or configure IP addresses or subnet masks. After the configuration is complete, enhanced high-speed NICs on the same network can communicate with each other.

    A single enhanced high-speed NIC also supports bonding.

Configuring an Enhanced High-Speed NIC (SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12) to Configuring an Enhanced High-Speed NIC (Windows Server) describe how to bond enhanced high-speed NICs in the OS. The configuration method varies depending on the OS.