Updated on 2022-09-16 GMT+08:00


High-Speed Network

A high-speed network is an internal network among BMSs and shares the same physical plane with the VPC. After you create a high-speed network on the management console, the system will create a dedicated VLAN sub-interface in the BMS OS for network data communication. It uses the 10 Gbit/s port. A high-speed network has only east-west traffic and supports only communication at layer 2 because it does not support layer 3 routing.

In some regions, high-speed networks have been upgraded to enhanced high-speed networks with higher performance. For details, see Overview.

View High-Speed NICs

You can view the network interfaces of the high-speed network on the NICs tab page of the BMS details page. For Linux images, you can also locate the VLAN sub-interface or bond interface in the OS based on the allocated IP address.

Figure 1 Viewing high-speed NICs

Take CentOS 7.4 64-bit as an example. Log in to the OS and view the NIC configuration files ifcfg-eth0, ifcfg-eth1, ifcfg-bond0, ifcfg-bond0.3441, ifcfg-bond0.2617, and ifcfg-bond0.2618 in the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts directory. You need to use IP mapping to match the network.

Run the ifconfig command. The private IP addresses of the two high-speed NICs on the console are and It can be determined that ifcfg-bond0.2617 and ifcfg-bond0.2618 are configuration files of the high-speed NICs.

The following figures show the NIC and bond configuration information.