Updated on 2023-08-02 GMT+08:00

Configuring the HttpClient Monitoring Item

On the Modify HttpClient Monitoring Configuration page, set the following URL normalization parameters:

  • Collection Interval: The default value is 60s and cannot be changed.
  • URL normalization is used to aggregate URLs that meet the conditions you set. For example, http://localhost/rest/v1/test/123 and http://localhost/rest/v1/test/234 can be aggregated into http://localhost/rest/v1/test/{id}.
Figure 1 Configuring the HttpClient monitoring item

Normalization Methods

There are four normalization methods: startwith, endwith, include, and regex.

  • startwith: URLs starting with a certain expression are counted as normalized URLs. For example, URLs starting with are aggregated into /v1/test/{id}, as shown in Figure 1.
  • endwith: URLs ending with a certain expression are counted as normalized URLs. For example, URLs ending with /test are aggregated into /{id}/test, as shown in Figure 1.
  • include: URLs containing a certain expression are counted as normalized URLs. For example, URLs containing test are aggregated into /test/{id}, as shown in Figure 1.
  • regex: URLs that meet the wildcard expression are counted as normalized URLs. For details about the wildcard rules, see Table 1.
    Table 1 Wildcard description




    Matches any character.


    Matches zero, one, or more characters.


    Matches zero, one, or more directories.

Usage Example

The following is an example:

URL Path



Matches files such as /app/pattern and /app/pAttern, excluding /app/pttern.


Matches all .x files in the app directory.


Matches /app/example, /app/foo/example, and /example.


Matches /app/dir/file.jsp, /app/foo/dir/file.htm, /app/foo/bar/dir/file.pdf, and /app/dir/file.c.


Matches all .jsp files.