Help Center/ Application Operations Management/ User Guide/ Global Settings/ Subscribing to AOM Metrics or Alarms
Updated on 2025-03-03 GMT+08:00

Subscribing to AOM Metrics or Alarms

AOM allows you to subscribe to metrics or alarms. After subscription, data can be forwarded to DMS or webhook topics for retrieval.


  • A maximum of 10 data subscription rules can be created.
  • Webhook subscription is not yet generally available. If you need this function, submit a service ticket.

Creating a Subscription Rule

  1. Log in to the AOM 2.0 console.
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Settings. The Global Configuration page is displayed.
  3. In the navigation pane, choose Data Subscription. Click Create Subscription Rule. On the displayed page, set Subscription Content to Distributed Message Service (DMS) or Webhook as required.

    • When Subscription Content is set to Distributed Message Service (DMS):
      1. Set parameters by referring to Table 1 and click OK.
        Table 1 Subscription rule parameters



        Rule Name

        Name of a subscription rule.

        Only letters, digits, hyphens (-), and underscores (_) are allowed. Enter up to 64 characters starting with a letter.

        Subscription Content

        Select Distributed Message Service (DMS).

        Data Type

        Options: Metric and Alarm.


        Select a DMS instance from the drop-down list. If the existing DMS instances do not meet your requirements, click Create DMS Instance to create one.

      2. Verify the DMS instance connectivity.

        To subscribe data to DMS, ensure that you have created the apm_admin_trust agency on IAM. For details about how to create the apm_admin_trust agency, see Creating the apm_admin_trust Agency.

      3. Enter the DMS username and password. Only when the access mode of the DMS instance is set to ciphertext access will you need to enter the DMS username and password.
      4. Click Verify and Save DMS Configuration.
      5. Select a topic for transmitting data and click OK.
    • Set Subscription Content to Webhook.
      Set parameters by referring to Table 2 and click OK.
      Table 2 Subscription rule parameters



      Rule Name

      Name of a subscription rule.

      Only letters, digits, hyphens (-), and underscores (_) are allowed. Enter up to 64 characters starting with a letter.

      Subscription Content

      Select Webhook.

      Self-built Prometheus Instance's Remote Write Address

      Enter the remote write address of the Prometheus instance on the user side as the destination to which metrics are sent.

      Select a protocol used to send requests from the drop-down list box. HTTPS is recommended.

      Data Type

      Default: Metric

      Prometheus Instance

      Select the Prometheus instance whose metrics need to be forwarded. All common Prometheus instances under your account are displayed in the drop-down list.

      Authentication Mode

      Authentication mode for accessing a self-built Prometheus instance.

      • Basic: Enter the username and password of the Prometheus instance.
      • Token: A token is required for authentication.
      • None: No authentication is required.

      After the rule is created, you can view it in the rule list.

Data Subscription Format

  • Metric data example (JSON)
    package metric
    type MetricDatas struct {
       Metrics   []Metrics `json:"metrics"`
       ProjectId string    `json:"project_id"`
    type Metrics struct {
       Metric      Metric  `json:"metric"`
       Values      []Value `json:"values"`
       CollectTime int64   `json:"collect_time"`
    type Metric struct {
       Namespace  string      `json:"namespace"`
       Dimensions []Dimension `json:"dimensions"`
    type Value struct {
       Value           interface{} `json:"value"`
       Type            string      `json:"type"`
       Unit            string      `json:"unit"`
       StatisticValues string      `json:"statisticvalues"`
       MetricName      string      `json:"metric_name"`
    type Dimension struct {
       Name  string `json:"name"`
       Value string `json:"value"`
  • Kafka message example
  • Alarm data format


        "events": [{
            "id": "4346299651651991683",
            "starts_at": 1597822250194,
            "ends_at": 0,
            "arrives_at": 1597822250194,
            "timeout": 300000,
            "resource_group_id": "312313123112222222222232131312131",
            "metadata": {
                "kind": "Pod",
                "event_severity": "Major",
                "resource_type": "service",
                "clusterId": "6add4ef5-1358-11ea-a5bf-111111111",
                "event_type": "alarm",
                "clusterName": "cce-ief-4516140c-96ca-4a5f-8d85-1111111",
                "namespace": "PAAS.NODE",
                "name": "test15769793809553052-f5557bd7f-qnfkm",
                "event_name": "FailedScheduling",
                "resource_id": "clusterName=cce-ief-4516140c-96ca-4a5f-8d85-111111;clusterID=6add4ef5-1358-11ea-a5bf-11111111111;kind=Pod;namespace=30d5758f166947c6b164af604a654b09;name=test15769793809553052-f5557bd7f-qnfkm;uid=589fc746-245d-11ea-a465-fa163e5fc15d",
                "nameSpace": "30d5758f166947c6b164af604a654b09",
                "resource_provider": "CCE",
                "nodeID": "589fc746-245d-11ea-a465-fa163e5fc15d"
            "annotations": {
                "alarm_probableCause_zh_cn": "FailedScheduling",
                "alarm_probableCause_en_us": "FailedScheduling",
                "message": "0/110 nodes are available: 1 node(s) had taints that the pod didn't tolerate, 109 node(s) didn't match node selector."
            "attach_rule": {
        "project_id": "312313123112222222222232131312131"

    Parameter description:

    Table 3 Alarm parameters





    Array of objects. For details, see Table 4.

    Event or alarm details.



    Project ID obtained from IAM. Generally, a project ID contains 32 characters.

    Table 4 Event model






    Event or alarm ID, which is automatically generated by the system.



    Time when an event or alarm is generated. The value is a China Standard Time (CST) timestamp precise down to the millisecond.



    Time when an event or alarm is cleared. The value is a CST timestamp precise down to the millisecond. If the value is 0, the event or alarm is not deleted.



    Time when an event or alarm reaches AOM. The value is a CST timestamp precise down to the millisecond.



    Duration at which an alarm is automatically cleared. Unit: ms. For example, if the duration is 1 minute, set this parameter to 60000. The default duration is three days.



    Reserved field for a resource group. The default value is the same as the value of projectid.



    Details of an event or alarm. The value is a key-value pair. The following fields are mandatory:

    • event_name: event or alarm name, which is a string.
    • event_severity: event severity, which is an enumerated value. It is a string. Options: Critical, Major, Minor, and Info.
    • event_type: Event type, which is an enumerated value. Options: event and alarm.
    • resource_provider: Name of a cloud service corresponding to an event, which is a string. It is a string.
    • resource_type: Resource type corresponding to an event. It is a string.
    • resource_id: ID of the resource corresponding to the event. It is a string.



    Additional field for an event or alarm, which can be left blank.



    Reserved field for an event or alarm, which can be left blank.

Creating the apm_admin_trust Agency

  1. Log in to the IAM console.
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Agencies.
  3. On the page that is displayed, click Create Agency in the upper right corner. The Create Agency page is displayed.
  4. Set parameters by referring to Table 5.

    Table 5 Parameters for creating an agency




    Agency Name

    Set an agency name. The agency name must be apm_admin_trust.


    Agency Type

    Select Cloud service.

    Cloud service

    Cloud Service

    Select Application Operations Management (AOM).


    Validity Period

    Select Unlimited.



    (Optional) Provide details about the agency.


  5. Click Next. The Authorize Agency page is displayed.
  6. On the Select Policy/Role tab page, select DMS UserAccess and click Next.

    DMS UserAccess: Common user permissions for DMS, excluding permissions for creating, modifying, deleting, scaling up instances and dumping.

  7. On the Select Scope tab page, set Scope to Region-specific Projects and select target projects under Project [Region].
  8. Click OK.

Follow-up Operations

After the data subscription rule is created, AOM will send data to your DMS or Webhook topic so that you can retrieve the subscribed metrics or alarms.