Updated on 2024-03-13 GMT+08:00

Resource Management

Resource management centrally manages all your cloud services. You can view the association relationships between global cloud service resource objects and applications, including cloud resources that have not been bound to applications, facilitating resource analysis and management.

Currently, the following types of resources can be managed:

Elastic Cloud Server (ECS), Cloud Container Engine (CCE), databases (Relational Database Service (RDS), Document Database Service (DDS), Data Replication Service (DRS), GaussDB NoSQL, and GaussDB), networking (Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), Elastic Load Balance (ELB), Elastic IP (EIP), NAT gateway, and VPN (VPN gateways and VPN connections)), application middleware (Distributed Cache Service (DCS) and Distributed Message Service (DMS) (Kafka and RabbitMQ)), storage (Object Storage Service (OBS), Elastic Volume Service (EVS), Scalable File Service (SFS), and Cloud Backup and Recovery (CBR)), FunctionGraph, and big data (Cloud Search Service (CSS))

Viewing Resource Information

  1. Log in to the AOM 2.0 console.
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Application Insights (Retiring) > CMDB.
  3. Select an enterprise project.
  4. In the navigation pane, choose Resource Management. Click a resource tab to view the names, projects, and environments of the resource's instances.

    • Set filter criteria above the resource list to filter resources.
    • Click in the upper right corner to obtain the latest information about resource instances in real time.
    • Click in the upper right corner and select or deselect columns to display.
    • Click the resource name/ID to go to the resource details page. On the resource details page, click More to go to the service console and view more information.
    • After you purchase a service resource, CMDB detects and obtains the resource information in real time and displays it on the Resource Management page.
    • For details about different types of resources, see Table 1.
    Table 1 Resource types

    Resource Type







    Name/ID, private IP address, EIP, host name, AZ, region, enterprise project, application environment, UniAgent status, resource status, image name, and VPC name.

    • Click a resource name in the Name/ID column. The host details page is displayed.
    • Click an environment in the Application Environment column. The corresponding resource page under Application Management is displayed.




    Workload name, namespace, cluster, workload type, region, application environment, and last update time.

    • Click a workload name in the Workload Name column. The workload details page is displayed.
    • Click an environment in the Application Environment column. The corresponding resource page under Application Management is displayed.


    Cluster name, cluster ID, and region.





    Instance name/ID, instance type, DB engine version, resource status, private IP address, enterprise project, region, and application environment.

    • Click an ID in the Instance Name/ID column. The RDS DB instance details page is displayed.
    • Click an environment in the Application Environment column. The corresponding resource page under Application Management is displayed.



    Name/ID, resource status, instance type, version, enterprise project, region, and application environment.

    • Click an ID in the Name/ID column. The DDS instance details page is displayed.
    • Click an environment in the Application Environment column. The corresponding resource page under Application Management is displayed.


    Real-time synchronization task

    Name/ID, resource status, instance type, region, enterprise project, and application environment.

    • Click an ID in the Name/ID column. The DRS instance details page is displayed.
    • Click an environment in the Application Environment column. The corresponding resource page under Application Management is displayed.

    Real-time migration task

    Real-time disaster recovery task

    Data subscription task

    Backup migration task

    GaussDB NoSQL


    Name/ID, instance type, enterprise project, region, and application environment.

    • Click an ID in the Name/ID column. The GaussDB NoSQL instance details page is displayed.
    • Click an environment in the Application Environment column. The corresponding resource page under Application Management is displayed.



    Name/ID, resource status, type, enterprise project, region, and application environment.

    • Click an ID in the Name/ID column. The GaussDB instance details page is displayed.
    • Click an environment in the Application Environment column. The corresponding resource page under Application Management is displayed.




    Name/ID, IPv4 network segment, status, region, enterprise project, and tag.

    Click an ID in the Name/ID column. The VPC instance details page is displayed.



    Name/ID, resource status, IP address and network, listener, region, enterprise project, and application environment.

    • Click an ID in the Name/ID column. The load balancer details page is displayed.
    • Click an environment in the Listener column. The listener details page is displayed.
    • Click an environment in the Application Environment column. The corresponding resource page under Application Management is displayed.



    EIP/ID, status, bandwidth, bandwidth details, bound instance, region, enterprise project, and associated application environment.

    • Click an ID in the Name/ID column. The EIP details page is displayed.
    • Click an instance name in the Bound Instance column. The host details page is displayed, including the attributes and associated cloud services.
    • Click an environment in the Application Environment column. The corresponding resource page under Application Management is displayed.

    NAT Gateway


    Name/ID, status, service, resource type, region, and enterprise project.

    • Click an ID in the Name/ID column. The NAT gateway details page is displayed.


    VPN gateway

    Name/ID, resource type, public IPv4 address, status, VPN connections, region, and enterprise project.

    • Click an ID in the Name/ID column. The VPN gateway details page is displayed.

    VPN connection

    Name/ID, resource type, status, remote gateway, VPN gateway, region, and enterprise project.

    • Click an ID in the Name/ID column. The VPN connection details page is displayed.

    Application middleware



    Name/ID, resource status, cache type, instance type, specifications (GB), IP address, region, enterprise project, and application environment.

    • Click an ID in the Name/ID column. The DCS instance details page is displayed.
    • Click an environment in the Application Environment column. The corresponding resource page under Application Management is displayed.



    Name/ID, specifications, maximum partitions, region, enterprise project, and application environment.

    • Click an ID in the Name/ID column. The CBR instance details page is displayed.
    • Click an environment in the Application Environment column. The corresponding resource page under Application Management is displayed.


    Name/ID, specifications, region, enterprise project, and application environment.

    • Click an ID in the Name/ID column. The RabbitMQ instance details page is displayed.
    • Click an environment in the Application Environment column. The corresponding resource page under Application Management is displayed.




    Bucket name, region, enterprise project, and application environment.

    • Click a bucket name in the Bucket Name column. The OBS instance details page is displayed.
    • Click an environment in the Application Environment column. The corresponding resource page under Application Management is displayed.



    Name/ID, resource status, resource type, billing mode, region, enterprise project, and application environment.

    • Click an ID in the Name/ID column. The DCS instance details page is displayed.
    • Click an environment in the Application Environment column. The corresponding resource page under Application Management is displayed.



    Name/ID, status, disk specifications, disk attributes, region, and enterprise project.

    • Click an ID in the Name/ID column. The EVS instance details page is displayed.



    Name/ID, status, capacity, share path, protocol type, region, and enterprise project.

    • Click an ID in the Name/ID column. The SFS details page is displayed.




    Name/ID, type, region, enterprise project, and application environment.

    • Click an ID in the Name/ID column. The instance details page is displayed.
    • Click an environment in the Application Environment column. The corresponding resource page under Application Management is displayed.

    Big data



    Name/ID, resource status, resource type, version, enterprise project, region, and application environment.

    • Click an ID in the Name/ID column. The CSS instance details page is displayed.
    • Click an environment in the Application Environment column. The corresponding resource page under Application Management is displayed.