Updated on 2023-03-29 GMT+08:00

Resource Groups

AOM supports resource management by enterprise project and resource granularity, helping you quickly manage and use resources.

You can create a maximum of 100 resource groups.

Creating Resource Groups

  1. In the navigation pane, choose Resource Groups to view information.
  2. Click Create Resource Group in the upper right corner.
  3. Set parameters based on Table 1.

    Table 1 Configuration parameters




    Group Name

    Enter a group name.


    Enterprise Project

    Select an enterprise project. If no enterprise project is available, click Create Enterprise Project to create one.



    Enter a description.


    Group Tag

    Enter a tag key and value.


    A maximum of 10 group tags can be added.


    Resource List

    Add Resource

    To add resources, click Add Resource.


    To-Be-Added Resource

    Select Dynamic resource or Specified resource as required.

    To delete all added resources, click .

    Dynamic resource

    Resource Match Rule

    Select a resource match rule as required.

    • To add more rules, click Add Rule.
    • To delete a resource match rule, click .
    • Resource Match Rule is displayed only when To-Be-Added Resource is set to Dynamic resource.
    • You can add a maximum of 100 resource match rules.


    Resource Type

    Select a resource type based on site requirements. The options are: Cluster, Host, Application, Component, Instance, Process, and Container.


    Resource Type is displayed only when To-Be-Added Resource is set to Specified resource.

    Select Cluster from the Resource Type drop-down list.

    Resource Name

    The selected resource name is displayed.


    Resource Name is displayed only when To-Be-Added Resource is set to Specified resource.


    Resource List

    Select a required resource.


    Resource List is displayed only when To-Be-Added Resource is set to Specified resource.


  4. After setting the parameters, click OK.

Viewing Resource Groups

  1. In the navigation pane, choose Resource Groups to view information.

    You can enter a keyword in the search box on the right to search for a resource group.

Modifying Resource Groups

  1. In the navigation pane, choose Resource Groups to view information.
  2. Click Modify in the Operation column of the target resource group.
  3. In the dialog box that is displayed, modify the resource information and click OK.

Deleting Resource Groups

  1. In the navigation pane, choose Resource Groups to view information.
  2. Click Delete in the Operation column of the target resource group.