Help Center> IoT Device Management> User Guide> Management Platform> Logging In to the Management Portal of IoT Device Management
Updated on 2022-02-24 GMT+08:00

Logging In to the Management Portal of IoT Device Management


  1. Log in to the Management Console of the IoT platform.
  2. In the navigation tree on the left, choose IoT Device Management.
  3. Click Management Portal in the upper right corner.

    You do not need to enter the account and password to log in to the Management Portal.

Browser Requirements

To ensure good display effect and ease of use, use a browser with good compatibility. Table 1 lists the browser requirements.
Table 1 Requirements for the browser

Browser Type

Version Requirements

Recommended Resolution

Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer 11.0 or later

1366 x 768


Firefox 51.0-61.0

Google Chrome

Google Chrome 58.0-67.0