Help Center/ SAP Cloud/ SAP HANA User Guide (Single Node)/ Appendix/ Obtaining the Password for Logging In to a Windows ECS
Updated on 2022-03-04 GMT+08:00

Obtaining the Password for Logging In to a Windows ECS


Password authentication mode is required to log in to a Windows ECS. Therefore, you must use the key file used when you created the ECS to obtain the administrator password generated when the ECS was initially installed. The administrator user is Administrator or the user configured using Cloudbase-Init. This password is randomly generated, offering high security.

You can obtain the initial password for logging in to a Windows ECS using either the management console or API. For details, see this section.

Obtaining the Password Using the Management Console

  1. Obtain the private key file (.pem file) used when you created the ECS.
  2. Log in to the management console.
  3. Under Computing, click Elastic Cloud Server.
  4. In the ECS list, select the ECS whose password you want to get.
  5. In the Operation column, click More and choose Get Password.
  6. Use either of the following methods to obtain the password through the key file:
    • Click Select File and upload the key file from a local directory.
    • Copy the key file content to the text field.
  7. Click Get Password to obtain a random password.

Obtaining the Password Using APIs

  1. Obtain the private key file (.pem file) used when you created the ECS.
  2. Set up the API calling environment.
  3. For details, see section "API Calling" in the Elastic Cloud Server API Reference.
  4. Obtain the ciphertext password.

    Call the password obtaining APIs to obtain the ciphertext password of the public key encrypted using RSA. The API URI is in the format "GET /v2/{tenant_id}/servers/{server_id}/os-server-password".

    For instructions about how to call an API, see section "Retrieving the Password for Logging In to a Windows ECS (Native OpenStack API)" in Elastic Cloud Server API Reference.

  5. Decrypt the ciphertext password.

    Use the private key file used when you created the ECS to decrypt the ciphertext password obtained in step 4.

    1. Run the following command to convert the ciphertext password format to ".key -nocrypt" using OpenSSL:

      openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -outform DER -in rsa_pem.key -out pkcs8_der.key -nocrypt

    2. Invoke the Java class library org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider and use the private key file to edit the code decryption ciphertext.