Help Center> Ubiquitous Cloud Native Service> FAQs> Multi-Cloud Clusters> How Do I Update a Cluster Certificate in a Multi-Cloud Cluster?
Updated on 2024-04-11 GMT+08:00

How Do I Update a Cluster Certificate in a Multi-Cloud Cluster?


  • All components in the multi-cloud cluster are running properly.
  • Each node in the multi-cloud cluster is in the ready state.


  1. Download ucs-ctl and save it to the /root/ucs directory on any management and control node in the on-premises cluster.
  2. Record the passwords of all nodes in a table and save the table to the /root/ucs/update_cert.csv directory on the node where the binary tool is located. For details about the format, see Table 1.

    Table 1 Table template



    Node IP

    Node IP address, which is mandatory.

    Node Role

    Node role, which is mandatory. The options are master and node.


    User name for logging in to the node, which is mandatory.


    Password for logging in to the node, which is optional.

    Auth Type

    Node authentication type, which is optional. The options are password and key.

    Key Path

    Key path for logging in to the node, which is optional.

    An example is as follows:

    Node IP,Node Role,User,Password,Auth Type,Key Path,master,root,xxx,password,master,root,xxx,password,master,root,xxx,password,node,root,xxx,password

  3. Log in to the AWS console, edit security group {cluster_name}-node, and enable port 22 in the security group to ensure that the security group can be accessed.
  4. Enable password access, log in to all nodes in the cluster, and run the following commands:

    sed -i 's/PasswordAuthentication no/PasswordAuthentication yes/g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    echo "PermitRootLogin yes" >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    systemctl restart sshd

    Set the node passwords and save them to your local PC.

  5. Configure environment variables.

    export CUSTOM_DOMAIN={ucs_endpoint},
    • ucs_endpoint indicates the server access address. You can run the following command to obtain it:

    cat /var/paas/srv/kubernetes/kubeconfig | grep server

    • If you perform operations on the executor where the cluster is installed, you do not need to configure environment variables.

  6. Update the certificate.

    cd /root/ucs
    cp /var/paas/srv/kubernetes/ca.key /var/paas/srv/kubernetes/ca_key.pem
    ./ucs-ctl kcm update-cert {cluster_name} -c update_cert.csv

  7. Retry after a failure.

    ./ucs-ctl kcm update-cert {cluster_name} -c update_cert.csv -r

  8. Perform a rollback after a failure.

    ./ucs-ctl kcm rollback-cert {cluster_name} -c update_cert.csv

Multi-Cloud Clusters FAQs
