Updated on 2023-01-17 GMT+08:00

Full Synchronization Error: int1 has not implemented


During full synchronization, an error is reported, and the log information is as follows: service DATAMOVE failed, cause by: apply event=[type=table_data, batch_index_in_shard= %s, table_schema= %s, table_name= %s, record_num= %s] occur error, msg=apply to %s failed: column: %s, invalid value: %s, int1 has not implemented, type is %s.

Possible Causes

User-defined table fields in the destination database do not support int1.


  1. Contact destination database O&M engineers to create a table in the destination database based on the data flow mappings.
  2. After the table is created, click Resume in the Operation column to resume the task.