Updated on 2024-12-19 GMT+08:00



FusionInsight Manager to manage and monitor clusters. On the Cluster Management page of the MRS management console, you can view cluster details, manage nodes, components, alarms, files, jobs, Bootstrap actions, and tags.

Accessing MRS Manager

For details about how to access FusionInsight Manager, see Accessing FusionInsight Manager.

Modifying MRS Cluster Service Configuration Parameters

You need to log in to FusionInsight Manager to modify service configuration parameters.
  1. Log in to FusionInsight Manager.
  2. Choose Cluster > Services.
  3. Click the specified service name on the service management page.
  4. Click Configurations.

    The Basic Configurations tab page is displayed by default. To modify more parameters, click the All Configurations tab. The navigation tree displays all configuration parameters of the service. The level-1 nodes in the navigation tree are service names or role names. The parameter category is displayed after the level-1 node is expanded.

  5. In the navigation tree, select the specified parameter category and change the parameter values on the right.

    If you are not sure about the location of a parameter, you can enter the parameter name in search box in the upper right corner. The Manager searches for the parameter in real time and displays the result.

  6. Click Save. In the confirmation dialog box, click OK.
  7. Wait until the message "Operation succeeded" is displayed. Click Finish. The configuration is modified.

    Check whether there is any service whose configuration has expired in the cluster. If yes, restart the corresponding service or role instance for the configuration to take effect.