Updated on 2024-04-12 GMT+08:00

Log Search Issues

This topic describes how to troubleshoot common issues that occur when the search syntax is used to query logs.

Common Issues and Troubleshooting Methods

  1. During log query, a message is displayed indicating that the query result is inaccurate.
    • Possible cause: There are too many logs in the query time range, and not all logs are displayed.
    • Solution: Click the query button multiple times until you obtain all logs, or shorten the query time range and query again.
  2. Too many log results are matched in a query.
    • Possible cause: Only phrase search #"value" can ensure the sequence of keywords. For example, if the query statement is abc def, logs that contain either abc or def and logs that contain the phrase abc def will be matched.
    • Solution: Use the phrase #"abc def" to accurately match logs containing the phrase abc def. For details, see section "Phrase Search".
  3. Expected logs cannot be queried with specific search statements, and no error message is displayed.
    • Possible cause 1: Search delimiters are not supported.
    • Possible cause 2: The * or ? in a search statement will be regarded as a common character and is not used as a wildcard.
    • Solution: Use the correct query statement.

Error Messages and Solutions

  1. An error message is displayed during log query, indicating that no field index is configured for the XXX field and the field cannot be queried.

    Solution: Create an index for the XXX field in the index configuration and run the query statement again. For details, see section "Index Settings".

  2. An error message is displayed during log query, indicating that the full-text index is not enabled and the content field and full-text query are not supported.

    Solution: Enable the full-text index in the index configuration and run the query statement again. For details, see section "Index Settings".

  3. An error message is displayed during log query, indicating that the asterisk (*) or question mark (?) cannot be used at the beginning of a word.

    Solution: Modify the query statement or use a correct delimiter to avoid such queries.

  4. An error message is displayed during log query, indicating that long and float fields do not support fuzzy query using asterisks (*) or question marks (?).

    Solution: Modify the query statement and use the operator (>=<) or IN syntax for range query.

  5. An error message is displayed during log query, indicating that string fields do not support range query using the operator (>=<) or IN syntax.


    • Modify the query statement and use the asterisk (*) or question mark (?) to perform fuzzy query.
    • Change the value of this field to a number.
  6. An error message is displayed during log query, indicating that the search syntax is incorrect and the query statement need to be modified.
    • Possible cause: The syntax of the operator is incorrect.

      Solution: Each operator has its syntax rule. Modify the search statement. For details, see Search Syntax. For example, the syntax rule for the operator = requires that the value on the right must be digits.

    • Possible cause: The search statement contains syntax keywords.

      Solution: If the log to search contains syntax keywords, the search statement must be enclosed in double quotation marks to convert the keywords into common characters. For details, see section "Search Syntax". For example, if and is a syntax keyword, change the query statement field:and to field:"and".