Updated on 2022-06-16 GMT+08:00

API Overview

You can use the following GaussDB(DWS) functions.




Cluster management APIs

Creating a Cluster

Creates a cluster.

Querying the Cluster List

Queries and displays the cluster list.

Querying Cluster Details

Queries cluster details.

Querying the Supported Node Types

Queries all node types supported by GaussDB(DWS).

Deleting a Cluster

Deletes a cluster.

Restarting a Cluster

Restarts a cluster.

Scaling Out Clusters

Scales out a cluster.

Resetting a Password

Resets the cluster's administrator password.

Snapshot management APIs

Creating a Snapshot

Creates snapshots for a specified cluster.

Querying the Snapshot List

Queries the snapshot list.

Querying Snapshot Details

Uses the snapshot ID to query the snapshot details.

Deleting a Manual Snapshot

Deletes a specified snapshot.

Restoring a Cluster

Restores a cluster using its snapshot.