Help Center/ ROMA Connect/ FAQs/ Device Integration/ Why Can't My Device Be Connected to LINK?
Updated on 2023-07-07 GMT+08:00

Why Can't My Device Be Connected to LINK?

The possible causes are as follows:

  • Device information not configured

    On the device, check whether the connection address, connection port, client ID, username, and password are correct.

  • Device disabled

    Check the device status on ROMA Connect. A disabled device cannot be connected to LINK. To connect the device to LINK, change the device status from Disabled to Enabled.

  • Instance public access not enabled

    Enable public access on ROMA Connect. For details, see Viewing Details of an Instance.

  • No EIP bound to the instance

    On ROMA Connect, check whether an EIP has been bound to the instance. Instances not bound with an EIP cannot be accessed through public networks.

  • No port configured for the security group inbound rule

    On VPC, check whether a port is configured for the security group inbound rule. If no, devices cannot be accessed.