Help Center/ ROMA Connect/ FAQs/ Service Integration/ What Are the Causes of an API Calling Failure?
Updated on 2022-12-05 GMT+08:00

What Are the Causes of an API Calling Failure?

API calling failures are classified into three types: failure of API calling in the same VPC, failure of API calling between different VPCs, and failure of API calling through a public network.

  • If the API fails to be called in the VPC, check whether the domain name is the same as that automatically allocated by the API. If the domain name is different from that automatically allocated by the API, the API fails to be called.
  • If APIs fail to be called between VPCs, check whether the two VPCs are connected. If the two VPCs are not connected, you can establish VPC peering connections to enable communication between the two VPCs.

    For details on how to create and use VPC peering connections, see VPC Peering Connection.

  • If APIs fail to be called through a public network, the possible causes are as follows:
    • The API is not bound to an EIP. As a result, the API lacks a valid address for public network access, and therefore the API fails to be called through a public network. Bind the EIP and call the API again. For details, see Preparing Required Resources.
    • The inbound rule is incorrectly configured. As a result, the API fails to be called through a public network. For details about inbound rules, see Preparing Required Resources.
    • The request header "host: Group domain name" is not added during API calling. As a result, the API fails to be called through a public network. The API can be called as long as the message header is added.