Updated on 2025-01-03 GMT+08:00

Performance Test Methods

This section describes performance testing of GeminiDB Redis instances, including the test environment, tools, metrics, models, and procedure.

Test Environment

  • Region: CN-Hong Kong
  • AZ: AZ1
  • Elastic Cloud Server (ECS): c6.4xlarge.2 with 16 vCPUs, 32 GB of memory, and CentOS 7.5 64-bit image
  • Nodes per instance: 3
  • Instance specifications: Specifications described in Table 1
    Table 1 Instance specifications



    Cluster 1

    4 vCPUs x 3 nodes

    Cluster 2

    8 vCPUs x 3 nodes

Test Tool

This test used a multi-thread load test tool, memtier_benchmark, developed by Redis Labs. For details about how to use this tool, see memtier_benchmark. The following describes some functions of memtier_benchmark.
Usage: memtier_benchmark [options]

A memcache/redis NoSQL traffic generator and performance benchmarking tool.

Connection and General Options:
    -s, --server=ADDR                         Server address (default: localhost)
    -p, --port=PORT                           Server port (default: 6379)
    -a, --authenticate=PASSWORD               Authenticate to redis using PASSWORD
    -o, --out-file=FILE                       Name of output file (default: stdout)

Test Options:
    -n, --requests=NUMBER                     Number of total requests per client (default: 10000)
    -c, --clients=NUMBER                      Number of clients per thread (default: 50)
    -t, --threads=NUMBER                      Number of threads (default: 4)
        --ratio=RATIO                         Set:Get ratio (default: 1:10)
        --pipeline=NUMBER                     Number of concurrent pipelined requests (default: 1)
        --distinct-client-seed                Use a different random seed for each client
        --randomize                           Random seed based on timestamp (default is constant value)

Object Options:
    -d --data-size=SIZE                       Object data size (default: 32)
    -R --random-data                          Indicate that data should be randomized

Key Options:
    --key-prefix=PREFIX                       Prefix for keys (default: memtier-)
    --key-minimum=NUMBER                      Key ID minimum value (default: 0)
    --key-maximum=NUMBER                      Key ID maximum value (default: 10000000)

Test Metrics

Table 2 Test metrics

Metric Abbreviation



Number of read and write operations executed per second.

Avg Latency

Average latency of read and write operations, in milliseconds.

p99 Latency

  • p99 latency of read and write operations.
  • 99% of operations can be completed within this latency. Only 1% of operations have a latency longer.
  • Unit: ms.

Test Models

  • Workload model
    Table 3 Workload models

    Workload Model


    100% Write

    100% write operations (string set)

    100% Read

    100% read operations (string get). The even random access model is used in strict performance tests.

    50% Read+50% Write

    50% read operations (string get) plus 50% write operations (string set)

  • Data model
    Table 4 Data model description

    Data Model


    value length

    A value in 100 bytes is generated randomly.

Test scenarios

Table 5 Test scenario description

Test Scenario


The data volume is less than memory.

All data can be cached in memory.

The data volume is larger than memory.

Some data can be cached in memory, and some data can be accessed from the DFV storage pool.

Test Procedure

Use a DB instance with 3 nodes and 4 vCPUs for each node as an example:

Scenario 1: When the data volume is less than memory, data is written to and read data from the instance respectively and then concurrently, and record OPS, average latency, and P99 latency of each operation. Workload models and methods of testing performance metrics are as follows:

  • Workload model: 100% write

    Use 30 threads and 3 client connections for each thread. That is, 100-byte data is written 60,000,000 times on total 90 connections. The data is generated randomly by all the clients using different seeds within the range of [1, 60,000,000]. Based on the specified range of keys, the total size of data written this time is less than the memory of the database cluster.

    ./memtier_benchmark -s ${ip} -a ${passwd} -p ${port} -c 3 -t 30 -n 1000000 --random-data --randomize --distinct-client-seed -d 100 --key-maximum=60000000 --key-minimum=1 --key-prefix= --ratio=1:0 --out-file=./output_filename
  • Workload model: 100% read

    Use 30 threads and 3 client connections for each thread. That is, data is randomly and concurrently read 60,000,000 times over 90 connections. The key is within the range of [1, 60,000,000].

    ./memtier_benchmark -s ${ip} -a ${passwd} -p ${port} -c 3 -t 30 -n 1000000 --random-data --randomize --distinct-client-seed --key-maximum=60000000 --key-minimum=1 --key-prefix= --ratio=0:1 --out-file=./output_filename
  • Workload model: 50% read and 50% write

    Use 30 threads and 3 client connections for each thread. That is, data is randomly and concurrently written and read 60,000,000 times over 90 connections. The key is within the range of [1, 60,000,000]. The write-read ratio is 1:1. Based on the specified range of keys, the total size of data written and read this time was less than the memory of the database cluster.

    ./memtier_benchmark -s ${ip} -a ${passwd} -p ${port} -c 3 -t 30 -n 1000000 --random-data --randomize --distinct-client-seed -d 100 --key-maximum=60000000 --key-minimum=1 --key-prefix= --ratio=1:1 --out-file=./output_filename

2. Scenario 2: When the data volume is larger than memory of the database cluster, use 30 threads and create 3 client connections for each thread. That is, 100-byte data is concurrently written 20,000,000 times over total 90 connections. The data is generated randomly by all the clients using different seeds within the range of [60,000,001, 780,000,000]. In addition, pipeline parameters were set to speed up data writes. Based on the specified range of keys and total writes, the total size of data written this time was larger than the memory of the database cluster.

./memtier_benchmark -s ${ip} -a ${passwd} -p ${port} -c 3 -t 30 -n 20000000 --random-data --randomize --distinct-client-seed -d 100 --key-maximum=780000000 --key-minimum=60000001 --pipeline=100 --key-prefix= --ratio=1:0 --out-file=./output_filename

3. When the data volume is larger than memory, data is written to and read from the database cluster respectively and then concurrently, and metrics OPS, average latency, and p99 latency of each operation were recorded. Workload models and methods of testing performance metrics are as follows:

  • Test model: 100% write

    Use 30 threads and 3 clients for each thread. That is, 100-byte data is written 500,000 times over total 90 connections. The data is generated randomly by all the clients within the range of [1, 780,000,000].

    ./memtier_benchmark -s ${ip} -a ${passwd} -p ${port} -c 3 -t 30 -n 500000 --random-data --randomize --distinct-client-seed -d 100 --key-maximum=780000000 --key-minimum=1 --key-prefix= --ratio=1:0 --out-file=./output_filename
  • Test model: 100% read

    Use 30 threads and 3 clients for each thread. That is, data is randomly and concurrently read 500,000 times over 90 connections. The key is within the range of [1, 780,000,000].

    ./memtier_benchmark -s ${ip} -a ${passwd} -p ${port} -c 3 -t 30 -n 500000 --random-data --randomize --distinct-client-seed --key-maximum=780000000 --key-minimum=1 --key-prefix= --ratio=0:1 --out-file=./output_filename
  • Test model: 50% read and 50% write

    Use 30 threads and 3 clients for each thread. That is, data is written and read 500,000 times over total 90 connections. The data is generated randomly by all the clients within the range of [1, 780,000,000].

    ./memtier_benchmark -s ${ip} -a ${passwd} -p ${port} -c 3 -t 30 -n 500000 --random-data --randomize --distinct-client-seed -d 100 --key-maximum=780000000 --key-minimum=1 --key-prefix= --ratio=1:1 --out-file=./output_filename