Updated on 2024-07-11 GMT+08:00

Modifying the Flow Control Mode

You can choose whether to control the flow. DRS allows you to change the flow control mode after a task is created. Currently, only the real-time synchronization scenarios listed in Real-time Synchronization Scenarios That Support Flow Control support this function.


  • The flow control mode limits the maximum traffic speed in seconds. The actual statistical value may be lower than the flow rate because the statistical value may decrease due to network fluctuation.
  • The flow control mode takes effect only in the full synchronization phase.
  • After the traffic rate is modified in the incremental migration phase, the modification takes effect when the task enters the full migration phase again. For example, if the traffic rate is modified and a synchronization object is added to the task, the modification takes effect in the full synchronization phase of the task.


  • You have logged in to the DRS console.
  • A synchronization task has been created.

Method 1

  1. In the Flow Control Information area on the Basic Information tab, click Modify.
  2. In the displayed dialog box, modify the settings.

    Figure 1 Modifying the Flow Control Mode

Method 2

  1. In the task list on the Data Synchronization Management page, locate the target task and choose More > Speed or Speed in the Operation column.

    Figure 2 Task List

  2. In the displayed dialog box, modify the settings.

    Figure 3 Modifying the Flow Control Mode

Real-time Synchronization Scenarios That Support Flow Control

To the cloud
  • MySQL->MySQL
  • MySQL->GaussDB(for MySQL)
  • MySQL -> GaussDB primary/standby
  • MySQL -> GaussDB Distributed
  • MySQL->PostgreSQL
  • MySQL->GaussDB(DWS)
  • MySQL->MariaDB
  • DDM->MySQL
  • DDM->DDM
  • DDM->GaussDB(DWS)
  • Oracle->MySQL
  • Oracle->GaussDB(for MySQL)
  • Oracle -> GaussDB primary/standby
  • Oracle -> GaussDB distributed
  • Oracle->GaussDB(DWS)
  • Oracle->DDM
  • Oracle->PostgreSQL
  • PostgreSQL->PostgreSQL
  • PostgreSQL->GaussDB(DWS)
  • PostgreSQL -> GaussDB Primary/Standby
  • PostgreSQL -> GaussDB Distributed
  • TiDB->GaussDB(for MySQL)
  • Microsoft SQL Server->GaussDB(DWS)
  • Microsoft SQL Server -> GaussDB primary/standby
  • Microsoft SQL Server -> GaussDB distributed
  • Microsoft SQL Server->Microsoft SQL Server
  • MongoDB->DDS
  • MariaDB->MariaDB
  • MariaDB->MySQL
  • MariaDB->GaussDB(for MySQL)
  • GaussDB(for MySQL)->GaussDB(for MySQL)
From the cloud
  • MySQL->MySQL
  • MySQL->Oracle
  • MySQL->Kafka
  • MySQL->MariaDB
  • DDM->MySQL
  • DDM->Oracle
  • GaussDB(for MySQL)->MySQL
  • GaussDB(for MySQL)->CSS/ES
  • GaussDB(for MySQL)->Oracle
  • GaussDB(for MySQL)->Kafka
  • GaussDB primary/standby -> MySQL
  • GaussDB primary/standby -> Oracle
  • GaussDB primary/standby -> GaussDB(DWS)
  • GaussDB primary/standby -> GaussDB distributed
  • GaussDB primary/standby -> GaussDB primary/standby
  • GaussDB distributed -> MySQL
  • GaussDB distributed -> Oracle
  • GaussDB distributed -> GaussDB(DWS)
  • GaussDB distributed -> GaussDB distributed
  • GaussDB distributed->GaussDB primary/standby
  • MariaDB->MariaDB
  • PostgreSQL->PostgreSQL
Self-built -> Self-built
  • MySQL->Kafka
  • Oracle->Kafka
  • Oracle -> GaussDB primary/standby
  • Oracle -> GaussDB distributed
  • GaussDB primary/standby -> Oracle
  • GaussDB primary/standby -> GaussDB primary/standby
  • GaussDB distributed -> Oracle
  • GaussDB distributed -> GaussDB distributed