Help Center> ROMA Connect> Getting Started> Using ROMA Connect for Service Integration
Updated on 2024-01-05 GMT+08:00

Using ROMA Connect for Service Integration


ROMA Connect encapsulates APIs, data sources, and custom functions into RESTful APIs and opens them to external systems, manages the whole API lifecycle, and protects APIs in multiple layers.

This chapter provides a configuration example to help you get familiar with the service integration process.

The steps for integrating services with ROMA Connect are as follows:


Before performing this operation, complete the following preparations:

  • An EIP has been bound to the ROMA Connect instance, and the network where the local PC is located can communicate with the EIP network.
  • The Postman tool has been downloaded and installed on your local PC.

Step 1: Create an API Group

Each open API belongs to an API group. Before creating an API, create an API group.

  1. Log in to the ROMA Connect console. On the Instances page, click View Console of an instance.
  2. Create an integration application.
    1. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Integration Applications. In the upper right corner of the page, click Create Integration Application.
    2. In the dialog box displayed, set Name and Description, and click OK.
  3. In the navigation pane on the left, choose API Connect > API Groups. In the upper right corner of the page, click Create API Group and select Create Directly.
  4. In the Create API Group dialog box, enter the group-related parameters and click OK.
    Figure 1 API group configuration
    Table 1 Parameters for creating an API group




    Enter an API group name. Using naming rules facilitates future search.


    Specify whether the API group is available on the current application or on all applications. Select Current application.

    Integration Application

    Select the integration application created in 2. If none is available, click Create Integration Application on the right to create one.


    Enter a brief description of the API group.

Step 2: Create an API

Create an API on ROMA Connect and associate it with the backend service.

  1. In the left navigation pane on the instance console, choose API Connect > APIs. In the upper right corner, click Create API.
  2. On the page displayed, configure the frontend definition of the API.
    Figure 2 Frontend configuration
    Table 2 Parameters for defining an API frontend



    API Name

    Enter an API name. Using naming rules facilitates future search.

    Integration Application

    Select the integration application created in Step 1: Create an API Group. If none is available, click Create Integration Application on the right to create one.


    Select the API group created in Step 1: Create an API Group.


    Configure the API access address.

    • Method: request method of the API. Set this parameter to GET here.
    • Protocol: request protocol of the API. Set this parameter to HTTPS here.
    • Path: request path of the API, in /getUserInfo/{userId} format. Set this parameter to /test here.


    Matching mode of the API request path. Set this parameter to Exact match here.


    Skip this parameter.


    Skip this parameter.

  3. Configure API security information.
    Figure 3 Security configuration
    Table 3 Security parameters




    Specifies whether the API can be released to the marketplace. Retain the default value Public, which indicates that the API can be released to the marketplace.

    Authentication Mode

    Security authentication mode used by the API. In this example, select None.


    Specifies whether CORS is supported. You do not need to enable this option.

  4. Configure the request parameters of the API. You can skip this step and click Next.
  5. Set the backend type. In this example, select Mock to return specified response.
  6. Configure API backend information.
    Figure 4 Backend configuration
    Table 4 Parameters for defining an API backend



    Status Code

    Select the HTTP status code returned by the API. Use 200 here.


    Enter the response result of the API. In this example, set this parameter to ROMA TEST!. Once you call the API, ROMA TEST! is returned.

    Backend Authentication

    Specify whether to use a custom authorizer for authentication. Skip this parameter.

    Add Header

    Customize the header parameters of the API response. Skip this parameter.

  7. Configure response examples to help API callers understand the responses to an API request.
    Figure 5 Response configuration
    Table 5 Response parameters



    Example Success Response

    Example of a system response when an API is called successfully. In this example, set this parameter to ROMA TEST!.

    Example Failure Response

    Example of a system response when an API cannot be called. Skip this parameter.

  8. Click Finish. After the API is created, the API details page is displayed.

Step 3: Debug the API

After you create an API, debug it to ensure that the API functions properly.

  1. On the details page of the API created in Step 2: Create an API, click Debug in the upper right corner.
  2. Click Debug next to the API's access address. Request parameters are not required in this example because none has been set in previous steps.
  3. View the request and response for API calling.
    If the call is successful, a success response body is returned. In this example, ROMA TEST! is returned.
    Figure 6 API debugging
  4. Click on the right of Debug to return to the APIs details page after debugging.

Step 4: Publish the API

Once the API is tested normal, publish it to an environment so that it can be called by other users.

  1. On the API details page, click Publish in the upper right corner.
  2. On the page displayed, set Environment to RELEASE and click Publish.
    Figure 7 Publishing the API

Step 5: Call the API

In this example, Postman is used to call the API.

  1. Obtain request information of the API.
    On the API details page, view the API calling information, including the request method and access address.
    Figure 8 API request information
  2. Call the API.

    Use Postman to call the API obtained in 1.

    After the API is successfully called, check whether the response is the same as the test result in Step 3: Debug the API.

    Figure 9 API calling response