Updated on 2022-12-05 GMT+08:00

Moderation (Text)

This section provides an example of how to use Postman to call Moderation (Text), helping you quickly get familiar with the service. The procedure is as follows:

Step 1: Subscribe to a Service: Subscribe to Moderation (Text) on the Content Moderation console.

Step 2: Configure a Custom Dictionary. Configure allowlist and blocklist dictionaries.

Step 3: Configure the Environment. Import the prepared configuration file into the development environment.

Step 4: Use a Token for Authentication. When you call an API, a token is required for authentication.

Step 5: Call a Service API. Call the service API. You can view the status code and error code at any time during the usage.

(Optional) Step 6: View the Number of API Calls. View call statistics and call details.

Step 1: Subscribe to a Service

Subscribe to Moderation (Text) by following the instructions in Subscribing to the Service.

Step 2: Configure a Custom Dictionary

You can configure allowlist and blocklist dictionaries for text moderation.

  • If an allowlist dictionary is customized, the words in the allowlist dictionary will not be detected when you use text moderation.

    The procedure is as follows:

    1. Log in to the HUAWEI CLOUD and click Console in the upper right corner. The Console page is displayed.
    2. Click Service List and choose AI > Content Moderation. The Content Moderation management console is displayed.
    3. In the left navigation pane, choose Service List > Text Moderation. Click Configuration next to Custom Allowlist Dictionary. The Create Dictionary dialog box is displayed.
      Figure 1 Create Dictionary
    4. Enter a dictionary name and the keywords in the allowlist dictionary. Click OK.
      • Dictionary Name: A dictionary name contains a maximum of 40 characters. Only letters, digits, hyphens (-), and underscores (_) are allowed.
      • Add Keyword: A dictionary contains a maximum of 5000 keywords. Each keyword consists of a maximum of 40 characters and ends with a carriage return.
  • If a blocklist dictionary is customized, the words in the blocklist dictionary will be detected when you use Text Moderation.

    The procedure is as follows:

    1. Log in to the HUAWEI CLOUD and click Console in the upper right corner. The Console page is displayed.
    2. Click Service List and choose AI > Content Moderation. The Content Moderation management console is displayed.
    3. In the left navigation pane, choose Service List > Text Moderation. Click Configuration next to Custom Blocklist Dictionary. The Custom Dictionary page is displayed.
    4. Click Create Dictionary in the upper left corner. The Create Dictionary dialog box is displayed. Enter a dictionary name and the keywords in the blocklist dictionary.
      1. Dictionary Name: A dictionary name contains a maximum of 40 characters. Only letters, digits, hyphens (-), and underscores (_) are allowed.
      2. Add Keyword: A dictionary contains a maximum of 5000 keywords. Each keyword consists of a maximum of 40 characters and ends with a carriage return.
    5. Click OK.
      • The dictionary name cannot be modified.

Step 3: Configure the Environment

  1. Download and install Postman.

    Postman 7.24.0 is recommended.

  2. Download the Postman.
  3. Import the configuration file.
    1. Open and log in to Postman.
    2. Choose File > Import in the upper left corner. In the displayed dialog, click Upload Files to import the configuration file.
      Figure 2 Importing the configuration file
  4. After the configuration file is imported, it is displayed in the Collections directory in the left navigation pane.
    Figure 3 Configuration Files

Step 4: Use a Token for Authentication

A token is a user's access credential, which includes user identities and permissions. When you call an API to access a cloud service, a token is required for identity authentication.

  1. In the Collections directory in the navigation pane of Postman, click the get-token configuration file.
  2. Click Body. Enter the username, password, and domain name.

    To obtain the username, password, and domain name, perform the following steps:

    1. Log in to the management console.
    2. Hover the cursor on the username and choose My Credentials from the drop-down list. Copy the IAM username and account name to username and domainname, and enter the IAM user password.
    Figure 4 Token-based authentication
  3. Click Send to send a request, and obtain and copy the token.

    In Headers, obtain the value of X-Subject-Token, which is the token. The token is valid for 24 hours.

    Figure 5 Obtaining a token

Step 5: Call a Service API

  1. In the Collections directory in the navigation pane of Postman, click the Moderation_image configuration file.
  2. Click Headers and copy the token value to X-Auth-Token.
    Figure 6 Entering the token
  3. Click Body and enter the text to be checked for the text parameter.
    • For details about other parameters in the body, see the Text Moderation API.
      Figure 7 Modifying the parameters
  4. Click Send to send the request and obtain the API call results.
        "result": {
            "detail": {},
            "suggestion": "pass"

(Optional) Step 6: View the Number of API Calls

  1. View the number of API calls. Choose Service List > Text Moderation, and view call statistics and call details. See Figure 8.

    Figure 8 Call statistics
    • The Call Statistics section provides three statistical charts, displaying daily calls, daily blocked text, and daily reviewed text. You can set a time range to view the change of the number of API calls within the time range.
    • The Call Details section lists the total number of calls, blocks, reviews, and passes every day. This helps you better understand service calls and their statuses.
      • block indicates that sensitive information is contained and the information is blocked.
      • pass indicates that sensitive information is not contained and the information is approved.
      • review indicates that manual review is required.

  2. View monitoring metrics. You can click View Metric to view historical data such as successful and failed calls on the Cloud Eye console. See Figure 9.

    Figure 9 Viewing metrics