Updated on 2023-09-11 GMT+08:00

Greeting the Chatbot

  • The OIAP can be deployed independently or used on the public cloud. Therefore, the navigation paths vary depending on the environment.
  • In this document, all the navigation paths are those selected when the OIAP is deployed independently. In the CEC public cloud scenario, you can choose Configuration Center > Flow Configuration > Intelligent IVR to access the OIAP.
  • To use the chatbot (intelligent IVR) on the public cloud, ensure that you have subscribed to intelligent IVR, TTS, and ASR resources for the tenant space.

    To check whether the resources have been subscribed to, perform the following steps:

    Log in to the Huawei Cloud console and choose Service List > Business Applications > Cognitive Engagement Center. On the CEC console, choose Instance Management. On the page that is displayed, click Details corresponding to the desired call center instance to check whether intelligent IVR resources have been subscribed to on the IVR tab page and whether TTS and ASR resources have been subscribed to on the TTS&ASR tab page.

You can configure your dedicated chatbot online using a flowchart. To help you understand the entire configuration process, this section describes the configuration of a chatbot who replies with "Hello" to your greeting.


  1. Choose Knowledge Management > Domain Management, click Create, set Name, and click Save.

  2. Click the new domain chatbot. The Intention Management page is displayed.
  3. Click Create, choose General intent, enter an intention name, configure Corpus and Response, and click Save.
  4. Click Train.
  5. Choose Knowledge Management > Domain Management and click Active to enable the domain chatbot.
  6. Choose Resource Management > Resource Template. In the integration environment, after the template type is set to TTS, the template content is selected from a drop-down list. You need to choose Configuration Center > Resource Management > Audio and Video Resource Management, add a TTS text, and submit the text for approval. After the system administrator approves the text, you can select the text from the drop-down list.

    Figure 1 Adding a resource template

  7. Choose Flow Management > Flow Orchestration, click Add in the upper part, and configure a chatbot script flow.

    The script flow is as follows: After a call is connected, the user hears "Hello" from the chatbot, then the user says "Hello", and finally the chatbot replies with "Hello" again.

    1. Select Blank Flow.
    2. Drag diagram elements on the left to the canvas and connect them with lines.
      Figure 2 Dragging diagram elements
    3. Click the Response diagram element and set Response Template.
      Figure 3 Setting Response Template
    4. Click the Semantic recognition diagram element and set the recognition condition to TOC.ChatBotIntentCode=="CMDHELLO".
      Figure 4 Setting the Semantic recognition diagram element
    5. Click the line between the Semantic recognition diagram element and the last Response diagram element, and select a branch condition.
      Figure 5 Setting a branch

    6. Click the last Response diagram element and set Response Variable to TOC.ChatBotRespContent.
      Figure 6 Setting Response Variable
    7. Click in the upper part of the canvas.
    8. Click in the upper part of the canvas. On the page that is displayed, click Confirm.

  8. Choose Chatbot Management, and click Add to associate an access code with the new flow.

  9. Click Test Call corresponding to the flow and enter Hello. The chatbot replies with "Hello".


What is the general process for configuring a chatbot?

  1. Add a voice or video resource template.
  2. Configure the intention to be recognized.
  3. Orchestrate a script flow and release it.
  4. Configure the chatbot and associate it with the corresponding script flow.