Updated on 2023-10-24 GMT+08:00


Source Database Profiling

Source database profiling uses massive service scenarios as samples and key database metrics as features for training to abstract the database information, providing the data basis for further accurate and quick analysis of important information such as application scenarios and user operation habits of the source database.

Target Database Compatibility Analysis

Compatibility analysis is carried out on 14 core object types based on the source database profiling and the conversion rate of the UGO kernel to the target database. The compatibility analysis includes compatible and incompatible objects. For the objects not supported, UGO lists the top features and provides reconstruction suggestions. Through continuous kernel construction in the past few years and training with hundreds of millions of samples, UGO delivers high syntax conversion rate.

Workload Evaluation

The migration labor cost in massive service scenarios is used as a baseline workload. The accumulated migration workload of large numbers of service scenarios in automated migration is used as the input. The evaluated migration workload is based on the amount of code, the conversion rate, and on how hard it is to reconstruct incompatible features.

Database Schema Migration

Schema migration uses pre-migration evaluation as input and guidance. Before the conversion, you can filter the objects to migrate. After the conversion is complete, you can mark the failed objects and failure causes. Failed objects can be corrected according to the failure causes. After the correction, you can perform the verification test. If the verification fails, you can correct the objects and submit for verification again until all objects are successfully verified and the entire migration process is complete.