Updated on 2024-02-02 GMT+08:00


Billing Modes

There are yearly/monthly and pay-per-use billing modes to meet your requirements.

  • Yearly/Monthly is a prepaid billing mode. You pay in advance for a subscription term. Before purchasing yearly/monthly resources, ensure that your account has sufficient balance.
  • Pay-per-use is a postpaid billing mode. You pay as you go and just pay for what you use.

After purchasing clusters or cluster resources, you can change their billing modes if the current billing mode cannot meet your service requirements.

Billed Items

You will be billed for clusters managed by UCS. The UCS price depends on the cluster type, number of vCPUs of a cluster, and required duration. To view the number of vCPUs (included in the UCS price) of each cluster, run the following command:

kubectl get nodes -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{.metadata.name}{"\t"} {.status.conditions[?(@.type=="Ready")].status}{"\t"} {.status.capacity.cpu}{"\n"}' | grep True