Updated on 2024-02-02 GMT+08:00



Customers in this industry may find it hard to balance mobile services and data privacy. The existing hybrid cloud architecture could be a solution, but there are still some pain points unsolved.

  • Pain point 1: Services are scattered and cannot be quickly expanded or managed on a large scale. Traffic bursts impact system running.
  • Pain point 2: Service instances are difficult to deploy in different environments due to no unified cloud ecosystem specifications. Financial cloud native SaaS applications are in great demand.
  • Pain point 3: Available traffic governance capabilities cannot satisfy data-sensitive and delay-sensitive services.
  • Pain point 4: Smart devices challenge management, operations, and supervision.
  • Pain point 5: Without cross-DC service monitoring and governance, service instances cannot be migrated across clouds.


UCS centrally manages resources and data spanning on-premises infrastructure, edge cloud, and central cloud, and supports one-stop distribution and scheduling.

  • Collaborative compute

    For mobile financial services, UCS supports fast scaling and large-scale governance. On-premises, edge, and cloud resources are collaboratively scheduled to cope with traffic bursts.

  • Unified ecosystem

    UCS builds a standard financial application ecosystem. Your applications can be easily distributed, deployed, and migrated across regions and clouds.

  • Edge-cloud synergy

    UCS can collaboratively manage a large number of terminals, edge devices, and applications to build intelligent security and smart branches.

  • Multi-cloud synergy

    UCS helps you build a multi-region, multi-center digital architecture for unified governance across clouds and DCs.

Suggested Solution

Figure 1 Solution for finance