Help Center/ SecMaster/ Service Overview/ Security/ Security Orchestration
Updated on 2023-08-11 GMT+08:00

Security Orchestration

SecMaster Security Orchestration provides response playbooks for cloud security incidents. You can use playbooks to implement efficient and automatic response to security incidents. Its functions are as follows:

  • Playbook management: you can use the built-in automatic response playbooks or customize playbooks.

    Orchestrating a playbook is to build the manual security operation process and software into a machine playbook.

  • Workflow: Allows you to draw a playbook triggering flowchart.
  • Asset Management: manages and displays key assets in a unified manner.
  • Instance management: allows you to monitor and manage running instances and view records.
  • Security Orchestration, Automation and Response (SOAR): You can orchestrate workflows to let SecMaster automatically handle security incidents and suspicious incidents.

For details about how to configure Security Orchestration, see Security Orchestration.