Updated on 2023-09-13 GMT+08:00

Data Protection

RDS provides a series of methods and features to ensure data security and reliability.

Table 1 Methods for data security




Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

RDS for MySQL and RDS for MariaDB instances support both non-SSL and SSL connections. SSL is recommended for enhanced security.

RDS for PostgreSQL and RDS for SQL Server instances support only SSL connections to ensure data transmission security.

Cross-AZ deployment

To ensure high availability, RDS allows you to deploy primary and standby DB instances across AZs. AZs are physically isolated but interconnected through an internal network.

Deletion protection

RDS allows you to move unsubscribed yearly/monthly DB instances and deleted pay-per-use DB instances to the recycle bin. You can rebuild a DB instance that was deleted up to 7 days ago from the recycle bin.

Cross-region backup

RDS can store backups in a different region from the DB instance for disaster recovery. If the DB instance ever fails, you can use backups in the other region to restore data to a new DB instance.