Help Center> CodeArts Pipeline> Service Overview> Security> Authentication and Access Control
Updated on 2023-08-15 GMT+08:00

Authentication and Access Control

  • Authentication

    You can access CodeArts Pipeline using its UI and APIs. Essentially, your requests are sent through the REST APIs provided by CodeArts Pipeline.

    CodeArts Pipeline APIs can be accessed only after requests are authenticated. CodeArts Pipeline supports two authentication modes:

    • Token: Requests are authenticated using tokens. By default, token authentication is required to access the Pipeline console.
    • AK/SK: Requests are encrypted using an AK (Access Key ID)/SK (Secret Access Key). This method is recommended because it provides higher security than token-based authentication. For operation details, see AK/SK Signing and Authentication Guide.
  • Access Control

    CodeArts Pipeline supports access control through IAM permissions.

    Table 1 Access control




    Permission management

    IAM permissions

    IAM permissions define which actions on your cloud resources are allowed and which actions are denied, to control access to your resources. By default, new IAM users do not have any permissions assigned. New users must be added to one or more groups, and permissions policies or roles must be attached to these groups.

    What Is IAM? and Permissions