Help Center> MapReduce Service> Service Overview> Security> Asset Identification and Management
Updated on 2022-12-09 GMT+08:00

Asset Identification and Management

Secure Communications

In an MRS cluster, you can provision, manage, and use big data components through the management console. Big data components are deployed in users' VPCs. To allow the MRS console to directly access big data components, you must enable the corresponding security group rules after granting authorization. This authorization process is called secure communications.

You need to enable secure communications when creating a cluster, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 Secure communications

You are advised to enable security group rules only for trusted IP addresses. Exercise caution when using as the security group source address.

Protection for Critical Operations

MRS provides protection for critical operations. If you have enabled operation protection (for details, see Critical Operation Protection of IAM), enter the verification code obtained using the verification method you selected (as shown in Figure 2) to prevent risks and losses caused by misoperations.

Figure 2 Identity verification